Teacher Preparation Programs: Survey of State Entities that Oversee Teacher Preparation Programs (GAO-15-599SP, July 2015), an E-supplement to GAO-15-598
This is an e-supplement to GAO-15-598. It presents the closed-ended results of GAO's web-based survey of state entities that oversee teacher preparation programs in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The survey asked questions about: 1) how states oversee teacher preparation programs; 2) what states are doing to prepare new teachers for new K-12 standards; and, 3) states' use of Higher Education Act Reporting Requirements and U.S. Department of Education information related to teacher preparation programs. We obtained a 100 percent response rate.
Supplemental Material
This e-supplement presents the closed-ended results of GAO's web-based survey of state entities that oversee teacher preparation programs in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The survey asked questions about: 1) how states oversee teacher preparation programs; 2) what states are doing to prepare new teachers for new K-12 standards; and, 3) states' use of Higher Education Act Reporting Requirements and U.S. Department of Education information related to teacher preparation programs. We obtained a 100 percent response rate.
We conducted our work from March 2014 through July 2015 in accordance with generally accepted government auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain sufficient, appropriate evidence to provide a reasonable basis for our findings and conclusions based on our audit objectives. We believe that the evidence obtained provides a reasonable basis for our findings and conclusions based on our audit objectives.
Survey results in this e-supplement are presented in aggregate form so that an individual state's responses cannot be viewed. To view the responses to each question, click on the "view responses" link. After viewing the responses to each question, click on the "view question" link to return to the questionnaire. Responses to open-ended questions requiring a narrative response are not included in this document. Additionally, some questions in the survey were solely designed to guide respondents to skip sect ions of the survey that were not relevant to their circumstances. These questions are not presented in this e-supplement because they were not designed to gather information about how states oversee teacher preparation programs. Responses to question 31h are also excluded because some states appear to have misinterpreted this question. Additionally, data presented for question 19 are for states that identified teacher preparation programs that were low-performing or at-risk of becoming low-performing in 2013 or 2014.
A more detailed discussion of our objectives, scope, methodology, and agency comments on the draft report are contained in our report entitled Education Should Ensure States Identify Low-Performing Programs and Improve Information-Sharing, GAO-15-598 (Washington, D.C.: July 23, 2015).
Page Name | Questionnaire | Results |
Survey Definitions | View | View |
Section I: State Oversight Offices and Agencies | View | View |
Section II: Approval Process for TPPs | View | View |
Section III: Identifying TPPs as 'Low Performing' | View | View |
Section IV: Identifying TPPs as 'High Performing' | View | View |
Section V: Licensing Requirements | View | View |
Section VI: TPP Alignment with College and Career Ready Standards | View | View |
Section VII: Role of Federal Reporting Requirements and the U.S. Department of Education | View | View |
Section VIII: Contact Information | View | View |
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