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Natural Gas Regulation: Little Opposition to FERC's Recent Policies on Transportation-Related Services

RCED-95-39 Published: Dec 21, 1994. Publicly Released: Dec 28, 1994.
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Pursuant to a congressional request, GAO reviewed how producers, pipeline companies, and end-users view the regulatory changes affecting the collection, storage, and marketing of natural gas, focusing on the: (1) Department of Energy's (DOE) plans to intervene in energy-related regulatory proceedings; and (2) extent to which DOE plans to interact with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) in such interventions.

Full Report

Office of Public Affairs


CollusionEnergy industryEnergy marketingGas pipeline operationsGas resourcesIndependent regulatory commissionsNatural gasNatural gas pricesNatural gas storageTransportation rates