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High Risk Series: Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation

HR-93-5 Published: Dec 01, 1992. Publicly Released: Dec 01, 1992.
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GAO reviewed the financial condition of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC), focusing on: (1) the growing PBGC deficit; (2) weaknesses in the Department of Labor's, Internal Revenue Service's (IRS), and independent public accountants' efforts to detect pension plan abuses that place plan assets at risk; and (3) pressures Congress faces to expand PBGC guarantees to cover insurance annuitants and other groups.

Below are the reports in this series:

High Risk Series: Farmers Home Administration's Farm Loan Programs HR-93-1, Dec 1, 1992

High Risk Series: Guaranteed Student Loans HR-93-2, Dec 1, 1992

High Risk Series: Bank Insurance Fund HR-93-3, Dec 1, 1992

High Risk Series: Resolution Trust Corporation HR-93-4, Dec 1, 1992

High Risk Series: Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation HR-93-5, Dec 1, 1992

High Risk Series: Medicare Claims HR-93-6, Dec 1, 1992

High Risk Series: Defense Weapons Systems Acquisition HR-93-7, Dec 1, 1992

High Risk Series: Defense Contract Pricing HR-93-8, Dec 1, 1992

High Risk Series: Department of Energy Contract Management HR-93-9, Dec 1, 1992

High Risk Series: Superfund Program Management HR-93-10, Dec 1, 1992

High Risk Series: NASA Contract Management HR-93-11, Dec 1, 1992

High Risk Series: Defense Inventory Management HR-93-12, Dec 1, 1992

High Risk Series: Internal Revenue Service Receivables HR-93-13, Dec 1, 1992

High Risk Series: Managing the Customs Service HR-93-14, Dec 1, 1992

High Risk Series: Management of Overseas Real Property HR-93-15, Dec 1, 1992

High Risk Series: Federal Transit Administration Grant Management HR-93-16, Dec 1, 1992

High Risk Series: Asset Forfeiture Programs HR-93-17, Dec 1, 1992

Full Report

Office of Public Affairs


Budget deficitDebt collectionFinancial management systemsFraudInsurance companiesInsurance regulationPension plan cost controlProgram abusesPensionsRisk management