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Review of Overtime Practices and Controls at Selected Installations in the Department of Defense

GGD-83-80 Published: Aug 24, 1983. Publicly Released: Aug 24, 1983.
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Pursuant to a congressional request, GAO: (1) analyzed management's use of overtime in selected departments and agencies to determine whether the use is justified and necessary; (2) examined the use and feasibility of overtime alternatives; and (3) evaluated the adequacy of overtime control systems. The review was conducted at 10 military installations since, in fiscal year 1982, the Department of Defense (DOD) accounted for 33 percent of total Federal overtime expenditures.

Full Report

Office of Public Affairs


Staff utilizationMilitary cost controlMilitary personnelOvertime compensationPersonnel managementMilitary forcesPayroll recordsGovernment employeesPersonnel ceilingsAnnual leave