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Limited Progress Made in Consolidating Grants to Insular Areas

GGD-81-61 Published: Jul 10, 1981. Publicly Released: Jul 10, 1981.
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GAO reported on the progress made in consolidating grants to insular areas. Title V of Public Law 95-134 was passed to ease the insular areas' burden of applying for and reporting on Federal grant and assistance programs. Under the law, Federal agencies are allowed to consolidate any or all grants to the U.S. insular areas of the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, and the Government of the Northern Mariana Islands.


Matter for Congressional Consideration

Matter Status Comments
Congress should amend title V, where necessary, to address such questions as: (1) whether Federal agencies should be required to consolidate grants and which financial assistance grants should be required to be included in the consolidations; (2) whether Federal agencies might properly modify existing rules and regulations of programs included in consolidated grants and what the scope of their authority is to do so; (3) whether all Federal agencies should be required to waive all matching requirements; and (4) whether restrictions might properly be placed on the Insular Areas' flexibility to allocate funds under a consolidated grant.
Please call 202/512-6100 for additional information.

Full Report

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Sarah Kaczmarek
Managing Director
Office of Public Affairs

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Federal agenciesFederal grantsGrant administrationLoans to US territoriesFederal assistance programsDiscretionary grantsFinancial assistanceTerritories and possessionsGrant programsReporting requirements