Bottom-Up Review: Analysis of Key DOD Assumptions
Published: Jan 31, 1995. Publicly Released: Jan 31, 1995.
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GAO reviewed the key assumptions the Department of Defense (DOD) has made during its bottom-up review to determine whether they reasonably support the execution of a two-conflict strategy.
Recommendations for Executive Action
Agency Affected | Recommendation | Status |
Department of Defense | As part of the congressionally mandated examination of the bottom-up review, the Secretary of Defense should thoroughly examine the assumptions related to the redeployment of forces from other operations to major regional conflicts, availability of strategic mobility assets and Army support forces, deployability of Army National Guard enhanced brigades, and planned enhancements to strategic mobility and U.S. firepower. |
DOD issued the report which was the subject of the recommendation on July 21, 1995.
Department of Defense | As part of the congressionally mandated examination of the bottom-up review, the Secretary of Defense should thoroughly consider the options being examined by the war-fighting commands. |
DOD issued the report which was the subject of the recommendation on July 21, 1995. GAO is in the process of analyzing this DOD report at the request of the House National Security Committee.
Full Report
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