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State Marijuana Legalization: DOJ Should Document Its Approach to Monitoring the Effects of Legalization

GAO-16-419T Published: Apr 05, 2016. Publicly Released: Apr 05, 2016.
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What GAO Found

Officials from the Department of Justice's (DOJ) Office of the Deputy Attorney General (ODAG) reported monitoring the effects of state marijuana legalization relative to DOJ policy, generally in two ways. First, officials reported that U.S. Attorneys prosecute cases that threaten federal marijuana enforcement priorities (see fig. below) and consult with state officials about areas of federal concern, such as the potential impact on enforcement priorities of edible marijuana products. Second, officials reported they collaborate with DOJ components, including the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and other federal agencies, including the Office of National Drug Control Policy, and assess various marijuana enforcement-related data these agencies provide. However, DOJ has not documented its monitoring process, as called for in Standards for Internal Control in the Federal Government . Documenting a plan specifying its monitoring process would provide DOJ with greater assurance that its monitoring activities relative to DOJ marijuana enforcement guidance are occurring as intended. Further, making this plan available to appropriate DOJ components can provide ODAG with an opportunity to gain institutional knowledge with respect to its monitoring plan, including the utility of the data ODAG is using. This can better position ODAG to identify state systems that are not effectively protecting federal enforcement priorities and, if necessary, take steps to challenge these systems in accordance with DOJ marijuana enforcement guidance.

DOJ Marijuana Enforcement Priorities

DOJ Marijuana Enforcement Priorities

U.S. Attorneys and DEA officials in six states with medical marijuana laws reported their perspectives on various factors that had affected their marijuana enforcement actions. These include

  • applying resources to target the most significant public health and safety threats, such as violence associated with drug-trafficking organizations;
  • addressing local concerns regarding the growth of the commercial medical marijuana industry; and
  • implementing DOJ's updated marijuana enforcement policy guidance.

Why GAO Did This Study

This testimony summarizes the information contained in GAO's December 2015 report, entitled State Marijuana Legalization: DOJ Should Document Its Approach to Monitoring the Effects of Legalization, GAO-16-1.

 For more information, contact Jennifer Grover at (202) 512-7141 or

Full Report

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