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Nuclear Waste: DOE Needs a Comprehensive Strategy and Guidance on Computer Models that Support Environmental Cleanup Decisions

GAO-11-143 Published: Feb 10, 2011. Publicly Released: Mar 14, 2011.
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The Department of Energy's (DOE) Office of Environmental Management (EM) is responsible for one of the world's largest cleanup programs: treatment and disposal of radioactive and hazardous waste created as a by-product of nuclear weapons production and energy research at sites across the country, such as EM's Hanford Site in Washington State and the Savannah River Site (SRS) in South Carolina. Computer models--which represent physical and biogeochemical processes as mathematical formulas--are one tool EM uses in the cleanups. GAO was asked to (1) describe how EM uses computer models in cleanup decisions; (2) evaluate how EM ensures the quality of its computer models; and (3) assess EM's overall strategy for managing its computer models. GAO analyzed the use of selected models in decisions at Hanford and SRS, reviewed numerous quality assurance documents, and interviewed DOE officials as well as contractors and regulators.


Recommendations for Executive Action

Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Department of Energy To help EM increase confidence in the quality of information provided to the public and its stakeholders resulting from the use of computer modeling, the Secretary of Energy should clarify specific quality assurance requirements for computer models used in environmental cleanup decisions, including to analyze the potential effectiveness of cleanup alternatives, assess the performance of selected cleanup activities, and assist in planning and budgeting cleanup activities.
Closed – Implemented
In response to GAO's recommendation, the agency revised and implemented new requirements in its quality assurance order--DOE Order 414.1D Quality Assurance--and an associated guide--DOE Guide 4142B Quality Assurance Program Guide. These new requirements clarifying quality assurance standards for software used for computer models supporting environmental cleanup decisions.
Department of Energy To help EM increase confidence in the quality of information provided to the public and its stakeholders resulting from the use of computer modeling, the Secretary of Energy should ensure that the models are assessed for compliance with these requirements.
Closed – Implemented
In response to GAO's recommendation, the agency revised and implemented new requirements in its quality assurance order--DOE Order 414.1D Quality Assurance--and an associated guide--DOE Guide 4142B Quality Assurance Program Guide. These new requirements clarify quality assurance standards for software used for computer models supporting environmental cleanup decisions.
Department of Energy To help EM increase confidence in the quality of information provided to the public and its stakeholders resulting from the use of computer modeling, the Secretary of Energy should develop a comprehensive strategy and guidance for the management of computer models to promote consistency, reduce duplication, and ensure sharing of lessons learned.
Closed – Implemented
In response to our recommendation, DOE's Office of Corporate IT (EM-72) and Office of Standards and Quality Assurance (EM-43) have completed internal EM HQ draft operating procedures to ensure that computer models meet all mandatory requirements and are in compliance. The draft is in review and planned for implementation later in the year.

Full Report

Office of Public Affairs


BudgetingComparative analysisComputer modelingDecision makingEnergy researchEnvironmental cleanupsHazardous waste disposalLessons learnedLife cycle costsNuclear waste disposalNuclear weaponsPerformance measuresQuality assuranceRadioactive waste disposalRequirements definitionSoftwareStrategic planningDuplication of effortPolicies and procedures