Highway Bridge Program: Condition of Nation's Bridges Shows Limited Improvement, but Further Actions Could Enhance the Impact of Federal Investment
Published: Jul 21, 2010. Publicly Released: Jul 21, 2010.
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One in four bridges in the United States is either structurally deficient and in need of repair, or functionally obsolete and is not adequate for today's traffic. The Highway Bridge Program (HBP), the primary source of federal funding for bridges, provided about $7 billion to states in fiscal year 2010. This testimony addresses (1) the current state of the nation's bridges and the impacts of the HBP and (2) the extent to which the HBP aligns with principles GAO developed to guide the re-examination of surface transportation programs. This testimony is based on prior GAO reports, updated with bridge data and information provided by agency officials.
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BridgesData collectionEligibility criteriaEligibility determinationsFederal aid for highwaysFederal aid for transportationFederal aid to localitiesFederal aid to statesFederal fundsstate relationsFunds managementGround transportationHighway planningHighway safetyMaintenance (upkeep)Performance measuresProgram evaluationProgram managementPublic roads or highwaysSafety standardsTransportation planningTransportation policiesTransportation safetyProgram goals or objectivesProgram implementation