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Recovery Act: Planned Efforts and Challenges in Evaluating Compliance with Maintenance of Effort and Similar Provisions

GAO-10-247 Published: Nov 30, 2009. Publicly Released: Dec 28, 2009.
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To help prevent the substitution of federal funds for state, local, or private funds, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act) contains maintenance of effort and similar provisions requiring that recipients maintain certain levels of spending for selected programs. This report provides information on selected programs in the Recovery Act with maintenance of effort or similar provisions, the guidance federal agencies have issued to implement these requirements, and how responsible federal agencies are determining whether recipients meet these requirements. To conduct this work, GAO identified eight programs in the Recovery Act that contain a new maintenance of effort or similar provision; account for at least $4 billion in appropriations by agency; and collectively account for about $100.5 billion of the $106.8 billion in Recovery Act appropriations with these provisions. The eight programs with maintenance of effort or similar provisions span the areas of education, highway, housing, rail, telecommunications, and transit. The specifics of each provision vary by responsible agency, such as whether a state must certify the amount of funding it will maintain, whether waivers are allowed, and the consequences (if any) of not meeting the provisions. The federal agencies responsible for these eight programs have issued guidance to states and other recipients on how to implement the maintenance of effort or similar provision requirements. However, federal and state officials have not completed key steps in implementing these provisions because of administrative and fiscal challenges.


Recommendations for Executive Action

Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Department of Education The Secretary of Education should take further action to enhance transparency by requiring states to include in their State Fiscal Stabilization Fund applications an explanation of the changes and why they want to change their 2006 maintenance of effort calculations or levels when they resubmit these applications to the Department of Education.
Closed – Implemented
In May 2010, Education notified states that, if states made changes to their maintenance of effort (MOE) data in their State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF) application, they must provide a brief explanation of the reason the data changed.

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EducationEducation program evaluationFederal aid for highwaysFederal aid for housingFederal aid for transportationFederal aid to railroadsFederal aid to statesFederal fund accountsFederal fundsFederal legislationstate relationsFunds managementHousing programsMonitoringPublic housingPublic roads or highwaysRehabilitation programsProgram evaluationComplianceTransparency