Defense Acquisitions: Decisions Needed to Shape Army's Combat Systems for the Future
Published: Mar 12, 2009. Publicly Released: Mar 12, 2009.
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The Future Combat System (FCS) program is the centerpiece of the Army's effort to transition to a lighter, more agile, and more capable combat force. By law, GAO is to report annually on the FCS program. Also, law requires the Department of Defense (DOD) to hold a milestone review of the FCS program, now planned for 2009. This report addresses (1) what knowledge will likely be available in key areas for the review, and (2) the challenges that lie ahead following the review. To meet these objectives, GAO reviewed key documents, performed analysis, attended demonstrations and design reviews, and interviewed DOD officials.
Matter for Congressional Consideration
Matter | Status | Comments |
The Congress may wish to consider restricting the budget authority to be provided for FCS in fiscal year 2010 until DOD fully complies with the statutory FCS milestone review requirements and provides a complete budget justification package for any program that emerges. | The Congress did not restrict the budget authority for FCS as we recommended. | |
The Congress may wish to consider not approving any production or long lead item funds for the core FCS program until the critical design review is satisfactorily completed and demonstrations using prototypes provide confidence that the FCS system-of-systems operating with the communications network will be able to meet its requirements. | In light of the decision to terminate the manned ground vehicle portion and restructure the remainder of the Future Combat System program, this recommendation is no longer applicable. |
Recommendations for Executive Action
Agency Affected | Recommendation | Status |
Department of Defense | The Secretary of Defense should ensure that the investment program that emerges from the 2009 milestone review be conformed with current DOD acquisition policy, particularly regarding technology maturity, critical design reviews, and demonstrating production-representative prototypes before making production commitments. |
The congressionally mandated milestone review for FCS did not occur as expected. Instead, in 2009, DOD decided to terminate major portions of the FCS program and to execute the remaining portions in drastically different ways. Hence, this recommendation is no longer applicable.
Department of Defense | The Secretary of Defense should direct the Secretary of the Army to convene, following the preliminary design reviews and in time to inform the 2009 FCS milestone review, an FCS Configuration Steering Board to provide assistance in formulating acceptable trade-offs to bridge the gaps between the FCS requirements and the system designs. |
The congressionally mandated milestone review for FCS did not occur as expected. Instead, in 2009, DOD decided to terminate major portions of the FCS program and to execute the remaining portions in drastically different ways. Hence, this recommendation is no longer applicable.
Department of Defense | The Secretary of Defense should ensure that if an incremental approach is selected for FCS, the first increments are justifiable on their own as worthwhile capabilities that are not dependent on future increments for their value, particularly regarding the order in which the information network and individual manned ground vehicles will be developed. |
The congressionally mandated milestone review for FCS did not occur as expected. Instead, in 2009, DOD decided to terminate major portions of the FCS program and to execute the remaining portions in drastically different ways. Hence, this recommendation is no longer applicable.
Department of Defense | The Secretary of Defense should ensure that FCS systems to be spun out to current forces have been successfully tested in production-representative form before they are approved for initial production. |
In response to this recommendation, DOD agreed. Several remnants of the FCS program--all considered to be in production representative form--were involved in a limited user test in September 2009. The Defense Acquisition Board subsequently approved, with some restrictions, low rate initial production of several of these FCS spinout items in December 2009.
Department of Defense | The Secretary of Defense should reassess the appropriate role of the LSI in the FCS program, particularly regarding its involvement in production. |
In its response to this recommendation, DOD stated that in November 2008, the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics directed the Army to examine contracting alternatives for procurement of FCS capability. Also, in the June 2009 Acquisition Decision Memorandum, the Under Secretary specified that the Army present a plan for the transition away from industry-led integration efforts. Subsequently, the Army has presented and is implementing its plan to move away from industry-led integration over the next few years. For example, in it procurement contracting plans for the E-IBCT equipment, which are remnants of the FCS program, the Army will be contracting directly with the original equipment manufacturers for the fourth production lot.
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