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Information Management: Challenges in Implementing an Electronic Records Archive

GAO-08-738T Published: May 14, 2008. Publicly Released: May 14, 2008.
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Since 2001, the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) has been working to develop a modern Electronic Records Archives (ERA) system, a major information system that is intended to preserve and provide access to massive volumes of all types and formats of electronic records. The system is being developed incrementally over several years; the first system increment is to provide an initial set of functions, with additional capabilities to be added in future increments. However, in 2007, NARA's contractor acknowledged that it would not be able to meet the planned date for the initial operational capability of the first ERA increment. GAO was asked to provide information on the steps that NARA has taken to respond to the delays encountered in the development. To prepare this testimony, GAO reviewed its previous work in this area, as well as the preliminary results of an ongoing performance audit. For this ongoing audit, GAO analyzed NARA reports, contract documents, and other material related to the ERA development project, and interviewed agency and contractor officials.

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Sarah Kaczmarek
Managing Director
Office of Public Affairs

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ArchivesElectronic recordsElectronic records archiveInformation disclosureInformation managementManagement information systemsOperational testingProcurement planningProduct evaluationRecordsRecords managementRequirements definitionRisk managementSchedule slippagesSoftwareStrategic information systems planningStrategic planningSystems integrationSystems testing