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Workforce Development: Community Colleges and One-Stop Centers Collaborate to Meet 21st Century Workforce Needs

GAO-08-547 Published: May 15, 2008. Publicly Released: May 15, 2008.
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In the future, businesses will demand workers with higher-level skills and more education. Community colleges are key providers of career and technical training as well as traditional academic education. These colleges can also play important roles in the one-stop system created by the Workforce Investment Act (WIA), through which a variety of federally funded employment and training programs provide services. Given the importance of community colleges to workforce development, GAO was asked to examine (1) how community colleges meet the workforce training needs of their communities; (2) what community colleges do to integrate with the nation's one-stop system; (3) the conditions or practices that enhance or impede these efforts; and (4) the actions the Departments of Labor and Education have taken to encourage linkages between community colleges and the workforce investment system, including one-stops. To address these objectives, GAO visited 20 community colleges, surveyed one-stop centers and their associated workforce investment boards, and talked to Labor and Education officials. Labor and Education generally agreed with GAO's findings.

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Sarah Kaczmarek
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Adult educationColleges and universitiesCommunity collegesContinuing educationEducation program evaluationEducational grantsEmployee trainingEmployeesEmploymentEmployment assistance programsHigher educationLocally administered programsPerformance measuresStaff utilizationStrategic planningVocational educationYouth employment programsKnowledge, skills and abilitiesSkilled labor