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Export Promotion: Trade Promotion Coordinating Committee's Role Remains Limited

GAO-06-660T Published: Apr 26, 2006. Publicly Released: Apr 26, 2006.
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In 1992, Congress established the Trade Promotion Coordinating Committee (TPCC) to provide a unifying interagency framework to coordinate U.S. export promotion activities and to develop a governmentwide strategic plan. TPCC member agencies' activities include providing training, market information, advocacy, trade finance and other services to U.S. companies, especially small- and medium-sized businesses. These U.S. government agencies together have $1.5 billion in budget authority for export promotion programs and activities for fiscal year 2006. Each year, the TPCC submits to Congress a mandated national export strategy, reporting member agencies' activities and trade promotion budget authority and establishing broad priorities. The TPCC secretariat, which has no budget of its own, is housed in the Commerce Department, which chairs the committee. In this testimony, which updates findings from a 2002 report, GAO (1) reports on trends in TPCC member agencies' budget authority; (2) assesses TPCC's coordination of trade promotion and its national export strategies; and (3) discusses small- and medium-sized businesses' participation in trade promotion activities.

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Sarah Kaczmarek
Managing Director
Office of Public Affairs

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Budget authorityExportingInteragency relationsInternational tradeSmall businessStrategic planningExport promotionTrade promotionExportsBudget allocation