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Critical Infrastructure Protection: DHS Leadership Needed to Enhance Cybersecurity

GAO-06-1087T Published: Sep 13, 2006. Publicly Released: Sep 13, 2006.
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Increasing computer interconnectivity has revolutionized the way that our nation and much of the world communicate and conduct business. While the benefits have been enormous, this widespread interconnectivity also poses significant risks to our nation's computer systems and, more importantly, to the critical operations and infrastructures they support. The Homeland Security Act of 2002 and federal policy establish DHS as the focal point for coordinating activities to protect the computer systems that support our nation's critical infrastructures. GAO was asked to summarize recent reports on (1) DHS's responsibilities for cybersecurity-related critical infrastructure protection and for recovering the Internet in case of a major disruption (2) challenges facing DHS in addressing its cybersecurity responsibilities, including leadership challenges, and (3) recommendations to improve the cybersecurity of national critical infrastructures, including the Internet.

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Computer securityCritical infrastructureCritical infrastructure protectionCyber securityInternetPolicy evaluationStrategic planningSystems analysisPrivate sectorCybersecurity