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Tactical Aircraft: Status of the F/A-22 and JSF Acquisition Programs and Implications for Tactical Aircraft Modernization

GAO-05-390T Published: Mar 03, 2005. Publicly Released: Mar 03, 2005.
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The F/A-22 and Joint Strike Fighter (JSF)--two of the Department of Defense's (DOD) major tactical aircraft fighter programs--are intended to replace aging tactical fighter aircraft with highly advanced, stealthy aircraft. The two programs combined have a potential future investment of more than $240 billion. Later this month, GAO plans to issue comprehensive reports on the numerous setbacks each of these programs has experienced since they were initiated and their effect on the F/A-22 and JSF business cases. This testimony highlights key concerns in the F/A-22 and JSF programs and discusses the implications of these concerns on DOD's overall investment strategy for modernizing its tactical fixed wing aircraft.

Full Report

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Cost overrunsDefense procurementFighter aircraftFuture budget projectionsLessons learnedMilitary aircraftMilitary cost controlOperational testingProcurement planningProgram evaluationProgram managementRisk managementSchedule slippagesStrategic planningTactical air forcesCost estimates