National Direction Required for Effective Management of America's Fish and Wildlife
Published: Aug 24, 1981. Publicly Released: Aug 24, 1981.
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GAO conducted a review of specific federal fish and wildlife programs to evaluate the overall effectiveness of federal agencies' management of fish and wildlife resources and habitat to ensure that development activities have the least possible adverse effect on fish and wildlife.
Recommendations for Executive Action
Agency Affected | Recommendation | Status |
Department of the Interior | The Secretary of the Interior should review the Fish and Wildlife Service's operations to determine whether its new priority system is effective in identifying those projects that have the greatest potential adverse impact on fish and wildlife. |
GAO has no information on the actions taken in response to this recommendation.
Department of the Interior | The Secretary of the Interior should establish policies, objectives, and guidance for an effective fish and wildlife research program. As part of this effort, the Secretary should consolidate the Fish and Wildlife Service's two research programs into one organizational unit. |
GAO has no information on the actions taken in response to this recommendation.
Department of the Interior | The Secretary of the Interior should direct the Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks to update the Fish and Wildlife Service's Wildlife Refuge Manual and flyway management plans. |
GAO has no information on the actions taken in response to this recommendation.
Department of the Interior | The Secretary of the Interior should direct the Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks to establish priorities on the types of refuges and hatcheries that should be developed, operated, and maintained. |
GAO has no information on the actions taken in response to this recommendation.
Department of the Interior | The Secretary of the Interior should direct the Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks to determine which marginal refuges and hatcheries could be eliminated, propose a plan to the Senate and House Appropriations Committees setting forth the reasons why they should be discontinued, and seek approval from the Committees to close them. |
GAO has no information on the actions taken in response to this recommendation.
Department of the Interior | The Secretary of the Interior should direct the Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks to review the condition of refuges and hatcheries and establish priorities for a rehabilitation program. |
GAO has no information on the actions taken in response to this recommendation.
Department of the Interior | Should the Animal Damage Control Program remain in Interior, the Secretary of the Interior should direct the Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks to develop and propose to Congress amendments to the Animal Damage Control Act of 1931 that reflect the current objectives of the Animal Damage Control Program to bring predators under control, rather than to eradicate, suppress, and destroy them. |
GAO has no information on the actions taken in response to this recommendation.
Department of the Interior | Should the Animal Damage Control Program remain in Interior, the Secretary of the Interior should direct the Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks to determine whether the control program should: (1) be continued as is, or be modified to increase effectiveness; and (2) more fully explore alternatives such as livestock insurance to determine if they are viable. |
GAO has no information on the actions taken in response to this recommendation.
Department of Agriculture | The Secretaries of Agriculture and the Interior should direct the Bureau of Land Management, the National Park Service, and the Forest Service to give greater emphasis to conserving and managing fish and wildlife. |
GAO has no information on the actions taken in response to this recommendation.
Department of the Interior | The Secretaries of Agriculture and the Interior should direct the Bureau of Land Management, the National Park Service, and the Forest Service to give greater emphasis to conserving and managing fish and wildlife. |
GAO has no information on the actions taken in response to this recommendation.
Department of Agriculture | The Secretaries of Agriculture and the Interior should enter into a cooperative agreement which will give the Fish and Wildlife Service the authority to decide how animals should be managed by other agencies in those instances where wildlife species migrate across the boundaries and are being managed by more than one federal agency. Such an agreement should also include the states where appropriate. |
GAO has no information on the actions taken in response to this recommendation.
Department of the Interior | The Secretaries of Agriculture and the Interior should enter into a cooperative agreement which will give the Fish and Wildlife Service the authority to decide how animals should be managed by other agencies in those instances where wildlife species migrate across the boundaries and are being managed by more than one federal agency. Such an agreement should also include the states where appropriate. |
GAO has no information on the actions taken in response to this recommendation.
Full Report
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Endangered animalsEnvironmental engineeringInteragency relationsLand managementNatural resourcesProgram managementWater resources conservationWilderness areasWildlife conservationWildlife managementLivestock