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National Labor Relations Board--Funding of Subscription Contracts

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The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) did not violate the bona fide needs rule when, in September 2006, it obligated fiscal year (FY) 2006 funds for five Web site database subscription renewals that it needed to have in place on October 1, 2006, the first day of FY 2007. Even though delivery of the renewed subscriptions would occur entirely in FY 2007, to ensure continued receipt of the subscriptions, NLRB reasonably determined that the renewal orders needed to be placed in FY 2006, before the expiration of the existing subscriptions on September 30, 2006. However, NLRB violated the bona fide needs rule when it obligated FY 2006 funds to renew two Web site database subscriptions that were not due to expire until October 31, 2006. These subscription renewals were a bona fide need of FY 2007, and NLRB should have purchased these subscriptions using its FY 2007 appropriation.

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