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A-13067, May 24, 1939, 18 COMP. GEN 1017

A-13067 May 24, 1939
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To the effect that the use of the telephone in such instances was necessary in the interest of the Government. As provided by the said act a certificate will be required to support payments of official long-distance telephone tolls. For uniformity in such certifications the following is prescribed for each public voucher and for each travel or station- expense reimbursement voucher that includes toll charges for official long-distance telephone calls: Pursuant to section 4 of the act approved May 10. 1939 (53 Stat. 738) I certify that the use of the telephone for the official long-distance calls listed herein was necessary in the interest of the Government. In order to give full effect to the law it is required that each department.

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A-13067, May 24, 1939, 18 COMP. GEN 1017


To the Heads of Department, Independent Establishments, Agencies and Others Concerned:

The "Interior Department Appropriation Act, 1940," approved May 10, 1939 53 Stat. 738, provides as follows:

SEC. 4. That hereafter no part of this or any other appropriation for any executive department, establishment, or agency shall be used for the payment of long-distance telephone tolls except for the transaction of public business which the interests of the Government require to be so transacted; and all such payments shall be supported by a certificate by the head of the department, establishment, or agency concerned, or such subordinates as he may specially designate, to the effect that the use of the telephone in such instances was necessary in the interest of the Government.

As provided by the said act a certificate will be required to support payments of official long-distance telephone tolls, and for uniformity in such certifications the following is prescribed for each public voucher and for each travel or station- expense reimbursement voucher that includes toll charges for official long-distance telephone calls:

Pursuant to section 4 of the act approved May 10, 1939 (53 Stat. 738) I certify that the use of the telephone for the official long-distance calls listed herein was necessary in the interest of the Government.

In order to give full effect to the law it is required that each department, establishment, or agency concerned shall furnish the General Accounting Office with a certified copy of each order designating a Government officer to so certify pursuant to the above-mentioned act. Such copies of designations for the Post Office Department and the Postal Service should be sent to the Post Office Department Division, General Accounting Office, and for all other departments establishments, and agencies of the Federal Government, to the Audit Division General Accounting Office.

FRED H. BROWN Comptroller General of the United States.

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