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VA Health Care: Opportunities Exist for Improving Implementation and Oversight of Enrollment Processes for Veterans

GAO-17-709 Published: Sep 05, 2017. Publicly Released: Sep 05, 2017.
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Fast Facts

To receive health care through the Department of Veterans Affairs, veterans must provide various information to prove eligibility.

We found that how VA reviews applications and enrolls veterans can lead to delays and errors. Enrollment staff—spread across VA's central enrollment center and network of 170 medical centers—frequently missed VA's 5-day timeliness standard, and sometimes incorrectly rejected veterans for health care benefits. Some applications we reviewed had been pending for more than 3 months.

Among other things, we recommended VA define the roles of medical centers in resolving pending applications.


Photo of VA headquarters sign.

Photo of VA headquarters sign.

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What GAO Found

The Department of Veterans Affairs' (VA) Veterans Health Administration's (VHA) implementation and oversight of enrollment processes need improvement to help ensure the timely enrollment of veterans for health care benefits.

VHA frequently did not meet timeliness standards: VHA studies conducted in 2016 revealed that enrollment staff frequently did not process veterans' enrollment applications within the timeliness standard of 5 business days. These issues were found both at VHA's Health Eligibility Center (HEC)—the central enrollment processing center—and at local VA medical centers (VAMC) that also process enrollment applications. In response to an audit recommendation, HEC officials said they have begun prioritizing workload to help meet the timeliness standard. Additionally, the overall time needed to process enrollment applications may increase when staff need to place applications in a pending status, as pending applications require additional information, such as military service information, for staff to make enrollment determinations. However, none of the six VAMCs GAO reviewed had a specific policy for how to resolve pending applications. GAO found that VAMC enrollment staff had not resolved more than half of the pending applications GAO reviewed at these six VAMCs, some of which had been pending for more than 3 months at the time of the review. Although HEC developed new procedures for its enrollment staff to use when resolving pending applications, these procedures were not communicated to VAMCs. Officials from the VAMCs GAO reviewed said that they had not received guidance on these procedures and were confused about whether they would continue to have a role in this process. In the absence of HEC communication with VAMCs, there may be inefficiencies in resolving pending applications. VHA, through HEC, is assessing efforts to improve the timeliness of enrollment application processing and the accuracy of enrollment determinations.

VHA lacks a standardized oversight process and reliable data to monitor enrollment processes system-wide: Although HEC officials said they are responsible for oversight of enrollment processes system-wide, VHA has neither sufficient policies that delineate this role nor procedures that document key oversight activities that should be conducted. For example, policies do not describe the oversight activities HEC should conduct to help ensure the accuracy of enrollment determinations system-wide. Further, VHA does not have reliable data for overseeing the timeliness of processing enrollment applications at VAMCs, which process 90 percent of the applications system-wide. Officials from the six VAMCs in GAO's review and HEC also had varying interpretations of how to measure the timeliness standard. For example, officials from four of the six VAMCs said the standard was met when enrollment staff entered an application into their local system, irrespective of whether an enrollment determination was made. In contrast, HEC officials said the measurement encompasses the time needed to make an enrollment determination, including any time the application was pending. Without reliable data that are consistently measured, VHA cannot accurately oversee the timeliness of application processing system-wide, or assess the extent to which VAMCs face challenges in implementing enrollment processes. To improve oversight, VHA, through HEC, recently implemented an effort to review the accuracy of some enrollment determinations.

Why GAO Did This Study

Enrollment is generally the first step veterans take to access VA health care, thus timely and accurate processing of enrollment applications is critical to help ensure eligible veterans obtain needed care.

The Explanatory Statement accompanying the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2016 included a provision for GAO to examine VA's oversight of patient access to care. This report examines (1) VHA's processes for enrolling veterans for health care benefits and (2) its related oversight. GAO reviewed federal laws, regulations, and VHA policies and procedures. GAO also interviewed officials from HEC and 6 of VHA's 170 VAMCs selected to provide variation in factors such as number of enrollment applications processed and geographic location; reviewed actions to resolve a randomly selected, nongeneralizable sample of pending enrollment applications from these 6 VAMCs; and interviewed HEC and VAMC officials on oversight of enrollment processes.


GAO recommends that VHA (1) define the responsibilities of VAMCs in resolving pending enrollment applications; (2) define oversight responsibilities to help ensure timely application processing and accurate enrollment determinations; (3) develop procedures for collecting reliable data system-wide to evaluate the timeliness of application processing; and (4) clarify its 5-day timeliness standard. VA concurred with all of GAO's recommendations and identified actions it is taking to implement them.

Recommendations for Executive Action

Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Department of Veterans Affairs
Priority Rec.
The Secretary of Veterans Affairs should direct the Acting Under Secretary for Health to develop and disseminate a system-wide standard operating procedure that clearly defines the roles and responsibilities of VAMCs in resolving pending enrollment applications.
Closed – Implemented
In October 2019, VA reported that the HEC had developed and disseminated a system-wide procedure that clearly defines the roles and responsibilities of VAMCs in resolving pending enrollment applications. VA stated the procedure clarifies that HEC is the responsible office for generating letters to Veterans with a Pending record, and provides guidance to VAMCs on what to do if a Veteran with a Pending record presents in-person at a VAMC to assist the Veteran in resolving their Pending record. VA further stated they have created procedures, through job aids, clearly defining roles and responsibilities regarding Pending records and specifically, what should be done by VAMCs if a Veteran with a Pending record presents at a site. VA provided a copy of the new procedure which provided specific instructions regarding when and what actions VAMCs should take to assist in resolving pending enrollment applications.
Department of Veterans Affairs
Priority Rec.
The Secretary of Veterans Affairs should direct the Acting Under Secretary for Health to clearly define oversight roles and responsibilities for HEC, and for Veterans Integrated Service Networks as appropriate, to help ensure timely processing of applications and accurate enrollment determinations.
Closed – Implemented
In October 2019, VA reported that VHA Member Services has defined roles and responsibilities to help ensure timely processing of applications and accurate enrollment determinations, and that Member Services will be responsible to provide oversight of new enrollment records by conducting reviews based on a statistical random sample of records. Additionally, VA provided copies of National oversight and quality assurance procedures that identify sampling plans, performance metrics for review, and provides for specific roles for HEC, VISN and VAMC staff regarding oversight of enrollment applications.
Department of Veterans Affairs The Secretary of Veterans Affairs should direct the Acting Under Secretary for Health to develop procedures for collecting consistent and reliable data system-wide to track and evaluate timeliness of enrollment processes, and institute an oversight mechanism to ensure VAMC and HEC enrollment staff are appropriately following the procedures.
Closed – Implemented
VA was working on data system enhancements, which combined with the planned improved policies and procedures, aims to provide reliable data on timeliness of enrollment processing. It also plans for internal controls and audits to regularly test the reliability of the data. However, VA has reported some delays in implementing the recommendation, and its expected completion date was December 31, 2019. In February 2020, VA reported that it had revised its enrollment to collect consistent and reliable data systemwide and to track and evaluate timeliness of enrollments. VA briefed enrollment staff on the procedures during National Enrollment Calls and indicated the procedures are accessible to all VA and HEC staff nationwide through VA's KMS. VA's procedures ensure that each application has a date and time stamp on physical applications, or an application date in the enrollment system for electronic applications. Using these dates, VA pulls statistical samples and indicated that oversight has been actively conducted on new enrollment records created since October 2019. From October 2019 to January 2020, VA stated that records matching the application and stamp dates have yielded an average timeliness (turn-around time) result of 1.53 business days.
Department of Veterans Affairs The Secretary of Veterans Affairs should direct the Acting Under Secretary for Health to clarify its 5-day timeliness standard for processing enrollment applications, including whether it covers the total time needed to make an enrollment determination and the time applications are pending, and ensure the clarification is communicated system-wide.
Closed – Implemented
VHA updated and clarified its policy for timeliness in processing enrollment applications.

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Access to health careDisabilitiesEligibility determinationsHealth care servicesHealth centersVeterans benefitsVeteransVeterans hospitalsCompliance oversightPolicies and proceduresVeterans health careVeterans medical centers