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entitled 'Hurricane Katrina: Ineffective FEMA Oversight of Housing 
Maintenance Contracts in Mississippi Resulted in Millions of Dollars 
of Waste and Potential Fraud' which was released on November 16, 2007. 

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Report to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, 
U.S. Senate: 

United States Government Accountability Office: 


November 2007: 

Hurricane Katrina: 

Ineffective FEMA Oversight of Housing Maintenance Contracts in 
Mississippi Resulted in Millions of Dollars of Waste and Potential 


GAO Highlights: 

Highlights of GAO-08-106, a report to the Committee on Homeland 
Security and Governmental Affairs, U.S. Senate. 

Why GAO Did This Study: 

Hurricane Katrina destroyed or damaged 134,000 homes and 10,000 rental 
units in Mississippi alone. The Federal Emergency Management Agency 
(FEMA) in part responded by providing displaced individuals with 
temporary housing in the form of mobile homes and travel trailers, 
placed on both private property and at FEMA-constructed group sites. In 
2006, FEMA awarded 10 contracts in Mississippi to maintain and 
deactivate (MD) the housing units and 5 for group site maintenance 
(GSM). GAO was asked to investigate whether there were indications of 
fraud, waste, and abuse related to FEMA’s oversight of these 15 
contracts. GAO analyzed FEMA’s issuance of task orders, tested a 
representative sample of monthly maintenance inspections payments, 
prepared case studies detailing the costs related to trailers placed at 
group sites, and investigated improper activity related to the 

What GAO Found: 

FEMA’s ineffective oversight resulted in an estimated $30 million in 
wasteful and improper or potentially fraudulent payments to the MD 
contractors from June 2006 through January 2007 and likely led to 
millions more in unnecessary spending beyond this period. For example, 
FEMA wasted as much as $16 million because it did not issue task orders 
to the contractors with the lowest prices. In addition, GAO estimates 
that FEMA paid the contractors almost $16 million because it approved 
improper or potentially fraudulent invoices. This amount includes about 
$15 million spent on maintenance inspections even though there was no 
evidence that inspections occurred and about $600,000 for emergency 
repairs on housing units that do not exist in FEMA’s inventory. 

Furthermore, FEMA’s placement of trailers at group sites is leading to 
excessive costs. As shown below, FEMA will spend on average about 
$30,000 on each 280 square foot trailer at a private site through March 
2009, the date when FEMA plans to end temporary housing occupancy. In 
contrast, expenses for just one trailer at the Port of Bienville Park 
case study site could escalate to about $229,000---the same as the cost 
of a five bedroom, 2,000 square foot home in Jackson, Mississippi. 

Figure: Comparison of Projected Trailer Costs at Private and Group 

This figure is an illustrated comparison of projected trailer costs at 
private and group sites: 

Trailer purchase: $14,000; 
Trailer maintenance costs: $4,000; 
Haul and install: $12,000; 
$30,000: Cost for lifecycle of a private site trailer. 

Trailer purchase: $14,000; 
Group site maintenance: $174,000; 
Trailer maintenance costs: $3,000; 
GSM Phase-in: $600; 
Site construction: $25,000; 
Site layout: $750; 
Haul and install: $12,000; 
$229,000: Cost for lifecycle of a Bienville Park trailer. 

[See PDF for image] 

Source: GAO analysis of FEMA data. 

[End of figure] 

Part of the reason for this expense is that FEMA placed only eight 
trailers at the Bienville site. FEMA wastes money when it operates 
sites with such a small number of trailers because GSM costs are fixed 
whether a site contains 1 or 50 trailer pads. At Bienville, FEMA spends 
over $576,000 per year—$72,000 per trailer—just for grounds maintenance 
and road and fence repair. 

GAO also found evidence of improper activity related to the contract 
award process. For example, FEMA awarded GSM contracts to two companies 
that did not appear to have submitted independent bids, as required. 
These companies shared pricing information prior to submitting 
proposals to FEMA and also shared the same president and accountant. 
Personnel at both companies also misrepresented their job titles and 
functions, a potential violation of the False Statements Act. In 
another case, FEMA’s contracting officer awarded a $4 million contract 
to make the temporary housing units disabled-accessible; the 
contracting officer allegedly had a previous relationship with the 
awardee’s subcontractor. GAO licensed engineers estimated that the work 
should have only cost about $800,000, or one-fifth of what FEMA 
ultimately paid. 

What GAO Recommends: 

FEMA should take six actions to improve the oversight of the contracts, 
including placing a greater emphasis on issuing task orders to the 
companies with the lowest costs, designing controls to test invoices, 
and reevaluating the allocation of work at the group sites. GAO has 
also referred all criminal matters identified to the Department of 
Justice for further investigation. FEMA concurred with all six 
recommendations and stated it had taken actions to address them. 

To view the full product, including the scope and methodology, click on 
[hyperlink, http://www.GAO-08-106]. For more information, contact 
Gregory D. Kutz at (202) 512-6722 or 

[End of section] 



Results in Brief: 


FEMA's Issuance of Task Orders under MD Contracts Resulted in as Much 
as $16 Million in Waste: 

Breakdowns in FEMA's Invoice Review Process Led to about $16 Million in 
Improper or Potentially Fraudulent Payments: 

Case Studies Illustrate Excessive Costs at Group and Commercial Sites: 

Evidence of Improper Activity Related to Contract Award Process: 


Recommendations for Executive Action: 

Agency Comments and Our Evaluation: 

Appendix I: Objectives, Scope, and Methodology38: 

Appendix II: FEMA Preventative Maintenance Inspection Sheet42: 

Appendix III: Comments from FEMA43: 

Appendix IV: GAO Contact and Staff Acknowledgments52: 


Table 1: Total Bid Prices Submitted by 10 MD Contractors in 

Table 2: Range of Bids for the Five Most Expensive Line Items in the MD 

Table 3: Results of Statistical Sample of Paid Preventative Maintenance 

Table 4: Estimated Trailer Costs at Three Case Study Group Sites in 
Mississippi through March 2009: 

Table 5: Estimated Trailer Costs at Commercial Site in Mississippi 
through March 2009: 


Figure 1: Potential FEMA MD Contract Savings Using Least Expensive 

Figure 2: FEMA's Reported Invoice Approval and Payment Process: 

Figure 3: Estimated Costs for a Trailer at a Private Site through March 

Figure 4: Estimated Life-cycle Trailer Costs at Bienville through March 

Figure 5: Estimated Life-cycle Trailer Costs at Sunset Ingalls through 
March 2009: 

Figure 6: Estimated Trailer Costs at Ellzey Parcel through March 2009: 

Figure 7: Estimated Life-cycle Trailer Costs at McLeod through March 

Figure 8: Timeline of UFAS Award and Subsequent Modifications: 

United States Government Accountability Office: 

Washington, DC 20548: 

November 16, 2007: 

The Honorable Joseph I. Lieberman: 
The Honorable Susan M. Collins: 
Ranking Member: 
Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs: 
United States Senate: 

In August 2005, Hurricane Katrina caused catastrophic damage to the 
Gulf Coast, killing over 1,000 people and obliterating homes and entire 
towns through wind and rain damage, flooding, and the destruction of 
roads, bridges, and water and sewer lines. In Mississippi alone, 
reports estimate that Katrina destroyed or damaged approximately 
134,000 homes and 10,000 rental units.[Footnote 1] As part of the 
federal response, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) 
provided many of these displaced individuals with temporary housing in 
the form of travel trailers and mobile homes.[Footnote 2] According to 
FEMA, 17,608 households in Mississippi were still residing in travel 
trailers and mobile homes as of August 2007. These households will be 
allowed to continue this occupancy through March 2009.[Footnote 3] 

In the aftermath of the storm, FEMA placed the temporary housing units 
on private properties where individuals were rebuilding their homes. 
For predisaster renters, FEMA also placed housing units at preexisting 
commercial sites (e.g., trailer parks) and at FEMA-constructed group 
sites at leased locations, such as stadium grounds and school fields. 
To support the temporary housing, FEMA originally awarded sole source 
contracts to four major firms and paid these firms billions of dollars 
to set up and maintain the units and sites. According to FEMA, it 
awarded these contracts noncompetitively because of the urgent need for 
a rapid emergency response. After much public criticism and 
investigations of the costs claimed by the four contractors, FEMA 
solicited proposals for new contracts for the maintenance and 
deactivation (MD) of mobile homes and trailers and for group site 
maintenance (GSM). The MD contracts are primarily for monthly 
preventative trailer maintenance, emergency repairs, and unit 
deactivation and removal, while the GSM contracts cover maintenance of 
the grounds facilities at the site, lawn care, and road and fence 
repair. In Mississippi, FEMA awarded 10 MD contracts in May 2006 to 
maintain approximately 30,000 housing units and 5 GSM contracts in 
September 2006 to maintain 39 group sites. 

Both the MD and GSM awards have a 5-year term and FEMA guaranteed each 
contractor a minimum amount for the first year: $50,000 for MD 
contracts and $100,000 for GSM contracts. FEMA has subsequently decided 
to issue task orders under only five of the MD contracts for the second 
year; however, the 5 remaining contractors are still eligible to have 
task orders issued against their existing contracts. According to FEMA, 
it paid the 10 MD contractors almost $63 million from May 2006 through 
May 2007 and paid the 5 GSM contractors about $9 million from September 
2006 through May 2007. In addition, FEMA data shows it has spent over 
$13 million on site leases, $6.5 million for security services at the 
sites, and $4.4 million on utilities. FEMA data also shows it spent 
over $4 million to lay asphalt around 150 travel trailers in group 
sites to make them accessible to disabled individuals in compliance 
with Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards (UFAS). 

You asked us to investigate whether there were indications of fraud, 
waste, and abuse related to FEMA's oversight of the 10 MD and 5 GSM 
contracts in Mississippi. We focused our efforts on investigating (1) 
FEMA's issuance of task orders to the MD contractors and (2) FEMA's 
invoice review process. We also prepared case studies to assess the 
costs associated with the placement of travel trailers at group sites 
and investigated allegations of criminal and improper activity related 
to the contracts. 

To conduct our investigation, we analyzed FEMA's issuance of task 
orders under the contracts and the costs associated with the most 
expensive contract line items from June 2006 through January 2007. In 
addition, we selected and tested a representative sample of payments 
made to the MD contractors for monthly preventative maintenance 
inspections from June 2006 to January 2007. To prepare our case 
studies, we reviewed specific costs associated with a nonrepresentative 
selection of 3 group sites and 1 commercial site in Mississippi. We did 
not conduct a comprehensive evaluation of whether FEMA adhered to its 
own solicitation requirements and other laws or regulations when 
awarding the 10 MD and 5 GSM contracts. However, our interviews with 
FEMA officials, contractor personnel, and confidential informants led 
us to identify potentially improper activity associated with the award 
process. To further investigate this activity, we reviewed and compared 
the contract proposals, total bid prices, line item bids, and 
government estimates for work. We conducted our work from October 2006 
to September 2007. We conducted our investigative work in accordance 
with the standards prescribed by the Presidents Council on Integrity 
and Efficiency and conducted our audit work in accordance with 
generally accepted government auditing standards. For more information 
on our scope and methodology, see appendix I. 

Results in Brief: 

Overall, we estimate that FEMA's ineffective management resulted in 
about $30 million[Footnote 4] in wasteful and improper or potentially 
fraudulent payments to the contractors from June 2006 through January 
2007 and likely led to millions more in unnecessary spending beyond 
this period. We found that (1) FEMA's failure to issue task orders 
under the MD contracts in a cost-effective manner led to as much as $16 
million in waste and (2) breakdowns in FEMA's invoice review process 
led to an estimated $16 million in improper or potentially fraudulent 
payments. Furthermore, our case studies demonstrate how FEMA's 
placement of travel trailers at group and commercial sites can lead to 
excessive costs, when compared to trailers placed at private sites. We 
also found evidence of potentially improper activity related to FEMA's 
contract award process. 

FEMA wasted as much as $16 million because it did not allocate task 
orders under the MD contracts to the companies with the lowest prices. 
Instead of including cost as a key decision factor when assigning task 
orders, FEMA considered "geographic locations and transportation 
concerns." As a result, despite extraordinary pricing differences for 
the same services among the 10 MD contractors, FEMA issued task orders 
to all 10, spending about $48.2 million from June 2006 through January 
2007 on the five contract line items that generate the most cost. These 
line items include monthly preventative maintenance,[Footnote 5] 
contractor phase-ins, deactivations, emergency after-hours repairs, and 
septic cleaning services. If FEMA had instead issued task orders to the 
five contractors with the lowest overall bid prices, it would have only 
spent about $32.5 million on these five line items during the same 
period and could have saved millions more through May 2007. In addition 
to having the lowest overall prices, FEMA determined that these five 
contractors would have been capable of collectively maintaining the 
estimated 30,000 trailers and mobile homes in Mississippi at the time 
of the award. 

We estimate that FEMA spent an additional $16 million because it 
approved improper or potentially fraudulent invoices submitted by the 
MD contractors. This amount includes about $15 million in payments made 
for preventative maintenance--which includes a required monthly 
inspection--and over $600,000 in payments for emergency after-hours 
repairs. Although FEMA was supposed to systematically review invoices 
to provide reasonable assurance that these payments were being made for 
work actually performed, our work shows that FEMA was not adhering to 
this process. For example, of the $28.5 million paid to the contractors 
for maintenance inspections from June 2006 through January 2007, we 
estimate that FEMA spent about $15 million[Footnote 6] even though (1) 
it had no evidence that FEMA owned the trailers being inspected; (2) 
the contractors provided no evidence that an inspection took place; or 
(3) the contractors could not prove that they had conducted an interior 
inspection of the units, as required. But even when proper inspection 
documentation existed, there is still no guarantee that the work was 
actually performed. For example, we confirmed allegations that 
contractors received payments for monthly preventative maintenance even 
though their inspectors falsified inspection documentation. Although we 
also intended to test the $2.2 million in payments FEMA made for 
emergency after-hours repairs, we could not conduct this work because 
the data we received from FEMA concerning these calls were incomplete. 
However, we were able to determine that FEMA spent over $600,000 for 
emergency repairs even though the invoices for these repairs should not 
have been approved because the housing units do not exist in FEMA's 

In addition, our case studies illustrate how FEMA's placement of travel 
trailers at group and commercial sites can lead to excessive costs. It 
is reasonable to expect that the overall expenses at these sites would 
be higher than for the trailers at the private sites, given that FEMA 
has had to pay extra for site construction and maintenance, security, 
leases, and utilities. However, our case studies show that these 
expenses can become exorbitant. For example, FEMA will have spent on 
average about $30,000 on each 280 square foot trailer at a private site 
through the March 2009 temporary housing extension. In contrast, 
expenses associated with a trailer at our Port of Bienville Industrial 
Park case study group site during the same period could end up costing 
taxpayers about $229,000--or about the same as the cost of a five 
bedroom, 2,000 square foot home in Jackson, Mississippi. Part of the 
reason for this extreme expense is that FEMA did not allocate work at 
these sites in a cost-effective manner and did not reevaluate this 
allocation after the sites were established. For example, FEMA placed 
only eight trailer pads at the Bienville site. FEMA wastes money when 
it operates sites with such a small number of trailer pads because GSM 
costs are fixed whether a site contains 1 or 50 pads.[Footnote 7] In 
this case, FEMA spends over $576,000 per year--or $72,000 per trailer-
-just for grounds facilities maintenance, lawn care, and road and fence 
repair. At another case study site, we found that FEMA's mismanagement 
led to wasteful spending for septic cleanings. The MD contractor at 
this commercial site charged FEMA $245 per service to provide septic 
cleanings to the approximately 61 trailers at the park. In total, FEMA 
paid the contractor about $1.8 million for this service because the 
cleanings were provided 3 times per week per trailer over the course of 
a year. However, this contractor made a profit of almost $1.5 million 
because it paid a subcontractor just $45 per service to actually 
perform the work. According to the terms of the contract, FEMA could 
have saved this $1.5 million by reassigning the septic cleaning 
services to a cheaper company, but it did not exercise this option. 

Finally, we found evidence of potentially improper activity related to 
the contract award process, as described in the two cases below. We 
have referred both of these matters to the Department of Justice and 
the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Inspector General (IG) for 
further investigation and we have notified the Katrina Fraud Task Force 
about our findings. 

* FEMA awarded GSM contracts to two companies that did not appear to 
have submitted independent bids and that also made false statements on 
proposals submitted to FEMA. As previously indicated, FEMA awarded the 
Mississippi GSM contracts to five businesses. In actuality, FEMA 
awarded one of these businesses two contracts: one contract as a 
"single entity" and one as part of a "joint venture" with another firm. 
Although making this type of award is not prohibited, both the single 
entity and the joint venture were required to sign a certification 
affirming that they had each arrived at their price proposal 
independently and had not disclosed their bid to competitors. Even 
though both companies signed this certification, we found that they 
shared bid information prior to submitting their proposals. The 
companies also shared the same individuals in key officer positions, 
making it difficult to understand how their proposals could have been 
truly independent. In addition, some of the key personnel at both 
companies misrepresented their job titles and functions in the final 
offers submitted to FEMA, a potential violation of the False Statements 
Act, 18 U.S.C. §1001. In response to our referral, Justice has decided 
to open an investigation of this matter. 

* We also found that one of FEMA's contracting officers may have 
improperly awarded the UFAS contract to lay asphalt to make 150 units 
accessible to individuals with disabilities, leading to over $3 million 
in unnecessary expenses. Unlike the MD and GSM contracts, FEMA awarded 
this UFAS contract as a set-aside for sole source negotiation with a 
local 8(a)[Footnote 8] firm. According to the Federal Acquisition 
Regulations, an 8(a) contract may not be awarded if the cost to the 
agency exceeds a fair market price. FEMA's records show that the 
government estimate to complete the work was just under the $3 million 
threshold for awarding this type of noncompetitive contract.[Footnote 
9] The company that received the award initially bid over $3 million to 
perform the work, but the contracting officer, who allegedly had a 
previous personal relationship with the 8(a) company's subcontractor, 
dropped four of the bid items so that the award amount was under $3 
million. During the next 3 months, the contracting officer added back 
two of the dropped bid items and further modified the award several 
times, ultimately making the total value of the contract about $4 
million. The contracting officer refused to speak with our 
investigators about the circumstances surrounding this award, and FEMA 
said that it was not able locate any documentation to support how the 
original government estimate was derived. Therefore, we asked licensed 
GAO engineers with over 30 years experience to provide an estimate of 
the costs associated with laying asphalt at the sites in order 
determine whether FEMA received a fair market price for the work 
performed. Using the limited information available from the 
contractor's price proposals, they estimated that, in the Biloxi, 
Mississippi, region, this work should have only cost about 
$800,000[Footnote 10]--about one-fifth of what FEMA ultimately paid. 

Given these findings, the Secretary of Homeland Security should direct 
FEMA to take six actions to improve the oversight of temporary housing 
maintenance contracts, including collecting any overpayments made to 
the contractors we investigated, placing a greater emphasis on issuing 
task orders to companies that can perform the most work at the lowest 
cost, conducting an inventory of housing units, designing controls to 
enforce the existing method of testing invoices, and reevaluating the 
allocation of work at the group sites. FEMA should also consider the 
suspension or debarment of any contractor found to have committed 

FEMA provided written comments on a draft of this report in which it 
concurred with all six of our recommendations and outlined actions it 
has taken that are designed to address each of these recommendations. 
These comments are reprinted in appendix III. As part of its response, 
FEMA also provided background of the events leading up to the award of 
the MD and GSM contracts and detailed some of the overall improvements 
the agency states it has made since Hurricane Katrina. 


Under the Stafford Act, FEMA may provide temporary housing units (such 
as travel trailers and mobile homes) directly to disaster victims who 
are unable to make use of financial assistance to rent alternate 
housing accommodations because of a lack of available housing 
resources. The act limits this direct assistance to an 18-month period, 
after which FEMA may charge fair market rent for the housing unless it 
extends the 18-month free-of-charge period due to extraordinary 
circumstances.[Footnote 11] To manage this post-disaster housing, FEMA 
typically has in place a contingency technical assistance contract. 
However, when Katrina made landfall in August 2005, FEMA was in the 
process of competing this contract--bids had been solicited and 
evaluated, but no contract was in place. Therefore, FEMA awarded "no- 
bid" contracts to four major engineering firms (Bechtel Corporation, 
Fluor Corporation, the Shaw Group Incorporated, and CH2M Hill 
Incorporated) for, among other things, the support of staging areas for 
housing units, installation of housing units, maintenance and upkeep, 
site inspections and preparations, site restoration, group site design, 
group site construction, site assessments, property and facility 
management, as well as housing unit deactivation and rehabilitation. In 
total, FEMA made almost $3 billion in payments to Bechtel, Fluor, Shaw, 
and CH2M Hill from September 2005 to January 2007. After much public 
criticism and investigations of the costs claimed by the four 
contractors,[Footnote 12] FEMA solicited proposals for new contracts 
for the maintenance and deactivation (MD) of mobile homes and trailers 
and for group site maintenance (GSM). 

Mississippi Maintenance and Deactivation Contracts: In November 2005, 
FEMA posted two solicitations indicating its intent to award multiple 
contracts for the maintenance and deactivation of manufactured homes 
and travel trailers. One solicitation was set aside for small 
businesses and the other was designated for 8(a) business development 
concerns (small businesses owned by socially and economically 
disadvantaged individuals). The solicitations for the small business 
and 8(a) awards were essentially the same, with each requiring 
prospective bidders to submit a technical and a business proposal 
listing their price for each of 37 contract line items. Additionally, 
in order to provide preference to local businesses, FEMA notified 
bidders that the proposed total price for any nonlocal business would 
be increased by 30 percent for price evaluation purposes. In May 2006, 
FEMA awarded five contracts to small businesses and five to 8(a) 
business development concerns. Each award was an indefinite delivery/ 
indefinite quantity fixed price type contract with a 5-year term and 
each had a guaranteed minimum of $50,000 and a maximum funding 
limitation of $100 million. In total, nine businesses received these 
awards because one business received two awards-one as a small business 
and one as an 8(a) business concern. In addition, of the 10 awards, 8 
went to businesses classified as local for price competition purposes 
and 2 went to companies that FEMA deemed nonlocal. FEMA also awarded 
similar maintenance and deactivation contracts in Louisiana, Alabama, 
and Texas. 

In May 2006, following award of the Mississippi MD contracts, FEMA 
issued two task orders to each of the 10 awardees. The initial task 
order for each contractor initiated a phase-in period for contract ramp-
up. The cost of each contractor's phase-in period was based on the 
amount agreed to in their contract. FEMA obligated the amount for the 
initial phase-in cost proposed by each MD contractor, which ranged from 
a low of $23,220 to a high of $6,111,000. The second task order 
provided an estimated quantity and projected dollar amount for each of 
the contract line items for the first 11 months of performance. Those 
task orders stated that the estimated usage was a "good faith estimate 
on the part of the government and was developed solely to arrive at an 
estimated total for the task order." The amount obligated for each of 
those "good faith estimates" was between $19.2 million and $20.6 
million, for a total obligation amount of over $200 million. FEMA 
elected not to compete the task orders among the 10 contractors nor did 
they consider price or cost under each task order as a factor in their 
source selection decision. However, both the MD contract and the FAR 
state that a contracting officer must provide each contractor with a 
fair opportunity to be considered for each order issued under multiple 
task order contracts. The FAR further states that the contracting 
officer may exercise "broad discretion" in developing task order 
issuance procedures, as long as these procedures are fair, included in 
the solicitation, and factor in price or cost.[Footnote 13] 

Mississippi Group Site Maintenance Contracts: In May 2006, FEMA posted 
its intent to award multiple contracts for group site maintenance. 
These contracts were set aside exclusively for service disabled veteran-
owned small businesses and were further limited to proposing firms 
residing in or primarily doing business in Mississippi. The 
solicitation required each submitter to provide a price for maintaining 
group sites at various threshold sizes, including sites with less than 
50 trailer pads, 51 to 100, 101 to 300, 301 to 600, and 601 or more. 
FEMA awarded these contracts in September 2006 and also awarded similar 
group site maintenance contracts in Louisiana. 

Temporary Housing Occupancy Extension: In April 2007, FEMA extended the 
temporary housing assistance program for hurricane victims living in 
trailers and mobile homes until March 2009. Beginning in March 2008, 
individuals residing in these units will pay a portion of the cost for 
rent, which will begin at $50 per month and incrementally increase each 
month thereafter until the program concludes on March 1, 2009. FEMA 
also began allowing residents of its mobile homes and travel trailers 
to purchase their dwellings at a fair and equitable price; however, on 
August 1, 2007, FEMA temporarily suspended sales while the agency works 
with health and environmental experts to assess health-related concerns 
raised by occupants. 

FEMA's Issuance of Task Orders under MD Contracts Resulted in as Much 
as $16 Million in Waste: 

FEMA wasted as much as $16 million because it did not allocate task 
orders under the MD contracts to the companies with the lowest prices. 
Despite extraordinary pricing differences for the same services among 
the 10 MD contractors,[Footnote 14] FEMA issued task orders to all 10, 
spending $48.2 million from June 2006 through January 2007 on the five 
contract line items that generate the most cost. If FEMA had instead 
issued task orders to only the five contractors with the lowest overall 
bid prices, it would have only spent an estimated $32.5 million on 
these five line items. 

The scope of the work under the MD contracts primarily covered monthly 
trailer preventative maintenance, emergency repair, and unit 
deactivation and removal. Further, as stipulated in the contracts, each 
company receiving an award "must be prepared to perform th[is] work 
anywhere in the region." In response to FEMA's solicitations, the 
contractors provided a wide range of price proposals for identical 
services--from about $90 million to $300 million--as shown in table 1. 

Table 1: Total Bid Prices Submitted by 10 MD Contractors in 

Contractor: 1; 
Total bid price: $89,856,470. 

Contractor: 2; 
Total bid price: 89,959,952. 

Contractor: 3; 
Total bid price: 94,989,890. 

Contractor: 4; 
Total bid price: 177,312,545. 

Contractor: 5; 
Total bid price: 177,312,545. 

Contractor: 6; 
Total bid price: 184,128,937. 

Contractor: 7; 
Total bid price: 197,513,516. 

Contractor: 8; 
Total bid price: 254,448,373. 

Contractor: 9; 
Total bid price: 268,027,263. 

Contractor: 10; 
Total bid price: 299,376,647. 

Source: FEMA. 

Note: Contractors 4 and 5 are the same company. This company received 
two awards--one as a small business and one as an 8(a) business 

[End of table] 

FEMA issued task orders to all 10 contractors for the first year of the 
contract, assigning each about 3,000 trailers. FEMA paid these 10 
contractors about $51.2 million from June 2006 through January 2007, 
spending 94 percent of that amount---$48.2 million---on just five of 
the 37 line items in the contract. These line items include monthly 
preventative maintenance,[Footnote 15] contractor phase-ins, 
deactivations, emergency after-hours repairs, and septic cleaning 
services. The contractors' bids for these specific line items also 
varied widely. Table 2 shows the high and low bids for each line item. 

Table 2: Range of Bids for the Five Most Expensive Line Items in the MD 

Line item: Phase-in; 
High bid: $6,111,000[A]; 
Low bid: $23,220. 

Line item: Monthly preventative maintenance[B] per unit; 
High bid: 244; 
Low bid: 38. 

Line item: Emergency after-hours repairs per call; 
High bid: 495; 
Low bid: 85. 

Line item: Septic cleaning per service; 
High bid: 260; 
Low bid: 97. 

Line item: Deactivation per unit; 
High bid: 1,000; 
Low bid: 267. 

Source: GAO analysis of FEMA data. 

[A] Subsequent to the award, this amount was reduced. However, the 
contractor and FEMA are still in dispute over the actual phase-in 

[B] The range of bids for monthly preventative maintenance includes the 
bids for both the travel trailer and mobile home maintenance line 

[End of table] 

Despite these extreme price variances, FEMA did not establish 
procedures for the most cost-efficient distribution of work. Both the 
MD contract and the FAR state that a contracting officer must provide 
each contractor with a fair opportunity to be considered for each order 
issued under multiple task order contracts. The FAR further states that 
the contracting officer may exercise "broad discretion" in developing 
task order issuance procedures, as long as these procedures are fair, 
included in the solicitation, and factor in price or cost.[Footnote 16] 
According to the MD solicitation and contract, FEMA considered 
"geographic locations and transportation concerns" when assigning work, 
but FEMA did not include procedures for factoring in cost in either of 
these documents. We asked FEMA to provide us with more detail[Footnote 
17] about their task issuance procedures, but they did not respond, 
except to reiterate during an interview that it was were primarily 
concerned with who was already performing the work (some of the MD 
contractors had previously subcontracted with the original four firms) 
and the contractors' transportation issues and office locations. 

Absent any other information from FEMA regarding the procedures it used 
to issue task orders to the 10 MD contractors, we concluded that FEMA 
did not adequately consider cost, resulting in as much as $16 million 
in waste. As shown in figure 1, if FEMA had instead issued task orders 
to the five contractors with the lowest overall bid prices, it would 
only have spent about $32.5 million on the five most expensive line 
items. Because FEMA did not reassign task orders under the MD contracts 
until June 2007--the second year of the contract, it likely wasted 
millions more on these line items from February through May 2007. 

Figure 1: Potential FEMA MD Contract Savings Using Least Expensive 

This figure is a bar chart showing potential FEMA MD contract savings 
using least expensive contractors: 

What FEMA could have paid: Preventative maintenance: 18.3; 
What FEMA paid: Preventative maintenance: 28.5. 

What FEMA could have paid: Phase-in costs: 3.2; 
What FEMA paid: Phase-in costs: 6.5. 

What FEMA could have paid: Deactivation: 6.1; 
What FEMA paid: Deactivation: 7.0. 

What FEMA could have paid: Emergency maintenance: 1.6; 
What FEMA paid: Emergency maintenance: 2.2. 

What FEMA could have paid: Septic cleaning: 3.3; 
What FEMA paid: Septic cleaning: 4.0. 

What FEMA could have paid: Total: 32.5; 
What FEMA paid: Total: 48.2. 

[See PDF for image] 

Source: GAO analysis of FEMA data. 

[End of figure] 

As detailed in the figure, had FEMA made contract awards to only the 
five lowest bidders, it could have saved as much as: 

* $10.2 million in preventative maintenance costs. FEMA spent about 
$28.5 million for preventative maintenance on all the units in 
Mississippi from June 2006 through January 2007. If FEMA had awarded 
the MD contracts to the five companies with the lowest overall bid 
price, the cost for trailer and mobile home maintenance would have been 
approximately $18.3 million. 

* $3.2 million on phase-in costs. FEMA spent $6.5 million on one-time 
phase-in costs for all 10 MD contracts. However, if FEMA used only the 
five companies with the least expensive bids, the total cost for phase 
in would have been over $3.2 million. 

* $930,000 on unit deactivations. FEMA spent just over $7 million on 
about 10,000 deactivations from June 2006 through January 2007. If FEMA 
had awarded the MD contracts to the least expensive companies, the cost 
for these deactivations would have been approximately $6.1 million. 

* $620,000 in after-hours emergency repairs. FEMA spent almost $2.2 
million on emergency after hour service calls. If FEMA awarded the 
contract to the five most inexpensive companies, it would have spent 
approximately $1.6 million. 

* $690,000 in septic cleaning costs. FEMA spent almost $4 million on 
septic cleanings from June 2006 through January 2007, but would have 
spent about $3.3 million if it had awarded the contracts to the less 
expensive companies. 

In addition to having the lowest prices, these five contractors also 
had the ability to maintain more than the 3,000 trailers they were 
originally assigned. Specifically, FEMA required companies to submit 
bids for the MD contracts based on the premise that they could each be 
assigned about 6,700 units that could have been located throughout the 
entire state. Prior to awarding the contracts, FEMA determined that 
each of these five companies did in fact have the technical ability to 
maintain at least 6,700 temporary housing units. Therefore, these five 
would have been capable of collectively performing maintenance for the 
estimated 30,000 trailers and mobile homes in Mississippi at the time 
of the award. 

Breakdowns in FEMA's Invoice Review Process Led to about $16 Million in 
Improper or Potentially Fraudulent Payments: 

From June 2006 through January 2007, we estimate that FEMA made 
approximately $16 million in improper or potentially fraudulent 
payments to the MD contractors based on invoices that should not have 
been approved, according to its own payment process. This amount 
includes about $15 million in payments made for preventative 
maintenance--which includes a required monthly inspection--and over 
$600,000 in payments for emergency after-hours repairs. With regard to 
preventative maintenance, we estimate that FEMA paid the MD contractors 
about $15 million even when the trailers being inspected could not be 
located in FEMA's own databases, the supporting inspection 
documentation required by the contract did not exist, or the 
documentation showed that the contractor did not perform a complete 
inspection. This $15 million includes $2.2 million identified through a 
review of contractor billing records and $13 million[Footnote 18] 
identified through estimates calculated from a statistical sample. With 
regard to emergency after-hours repairs, we found that FEMA spent over 
$600,000 on these repairs even though the invoices should not have been 
approved because the housing units do not exist in FEMA's inventory. We 
could not conduct any additional tests concerning the validity of 
payments FEMA made for these emergency repairs because the data we 
received were incomplete. 

FEMA Improperly Paid Contractors about: 

$15 Million for Preventative Maintenance Inspections: 

Because of FEMA's failure to adequately review inspection documentation 
submitted by the MD contractors, we estimate that about 50 percent of 
the $28.5 million in payments FEMA made for preventative maintenance 
were based on improper or potentially fraudulent invoices that should 
not have been approved. Specifically, based on a review of contractor 
billing records, we found that FEMA spent $2.2 million for preventative 
maintenance even though there was no documentation to support that the 
required monthly inspections had occurred. Further, as a result of our 
testing of a statistical sample of inspection documentation associated 
with the remaining $26 million in payments, we estimate that FEMA spent 
an additional $13 million[Footnote 19] based on invoices that should 
not have been approved. We also confirmed allegations that contractors 
received payments for monthly preventative maintenance even though 
their inspectors falsified inspection documentation. 

FEMA Requires Monthly Inspections and Documentation of Work Performed: 

According to the terms of the contract and inspection forms provided by 
FEMA, MD contractors are responsible for routine repairs and for 
inspecting interior and exterior unit components. These components 
include the plumbing, electrical, and heating and cooling systems; 
panels, siding, windows, screens, and doors; and all 
appliances.[Footnote 20] According to FEMA, MD contractors must perform 
one preventative maintenance inspection per month in order to submit a 
valid invoice for unit maintenance. Furthermore, as specified by the 
terms of the contract, contractors must maintain records to document 
that the inspection was performed. After the contract awards, FEMA 
provided the contractors with a temporary housing unit inspection sheet 
(see app. II). Once completed, this inspection sheet should contain the 

* The trailer's FEMA-issued barcode (noted as "temporary housing unit 
no." on the form). It should be noted that MD contractors told us that 
the barcode information they received from the original contractors was 
incomplete and they had trouble figuring out which trailers they were 

* A checklist of interior components inspected. 

* A checklist of exterior components inspected. 

* The trailer occupant's signature verifying that both interior and 
exterior inspection occurred. According to our discussions with FEMA, 
if a unit occupant is not home to sign the inspection sheet (and 
therefore the inspector does not have access to the interior components 
of the unit), the inspector is required to make at least two additional 
attempts to conduct a complete inspection. If the occupant is still not 
available to sign the inspection sheet or allow access to the interior 
of the unit, the inspector must note on the sheet that three attempts 
were made to complete the work in order to submit a valid invoice for 
payment. All of the contractors confirmed that FEMA told them to make 
three attempts to inspect a unit prior to submitting an invoice for 
payment, even though this requirement is not stated in the contract. 

FEMA's Reported Payment Process Requires Review of Invoices and 
Supporting Documentation: 

As shown in figure 2, FEMA's payment process is well designed and, if 
followed, provides reasonable assurance that payments are being made 
for work actually performed. 

Figure 2: FEMA's Reported Invoice Approval and Payment Process: 

This figure is an flowchart with illustrations showing FEMA's reported 
invoice approval and payment process. 

[See PDF for image] 

Source: GAO analysis of FEMA data. 

[End of figure] 

As detailed in the figure, the Contracting Officer's Technical 
Representative (COTR) is supposed to check the accuracy of both the 
contractors' calculations and the supporting documentation associated 
with a "random sample" of barcodes. If the COTR finds any errors as a 
result of this sample, he or she must conduct accuracy checks on all of 
the invoices submitted by the contractor for that particular line item. 
Prior to submitting the invoice to FEMA's Disaster Finance Center for 
processing, the COTR is to check for duplicate billings and verify that 
work was not performed on trailers that had been deactivated. During 
the course of our investigation, we found instances where FEMA's COTRs 
adhered to this process and did not approve payments because they 
identified inaccurate calculations or duplicate invoices.[Footnote 21] 
However, our review of contractor billing records and testing of a 
statistical sample of inspections also shows that FEMA paid the MD 
contractors even though there was insufficient documentation that work 
had been performed, making it difficult to believe that the COTRs were 
consistently conducting the accuracy checks specified in figure 2. 

Review of Contractor Billing Records Reveals $2.2 Million in Improper 
or Potentially Fraudulent Maintenance Payments: 

From June 2006 through January 2007, available records indicate that 
FEMA made about $28.5 million in preventative maintenance payments for 
over 180,000 inspections. Based on our initial analysis of billing 
records related to 12,000 of these inspections, we confirmed that FEMA 
should not have approved about $2.2 million in payments. Specifically, 
we reviewed approximately 90 preventative maintenance invoices 
submitted by the MD contractors from June 2006 through January 2007. 
Most of these invoices contained approximately 1,000 to 3,000 monthly 
inspection billings. As a result of this review, we identified billings 
for about 12,000 inspections that did not contain any documentation to 
support that an inspection had actually occurred. Despite this lack of 
supporting documentation, FEMA paid the contractors for these 
inspections. Using the contractors' pricing information, we determined 
that the payments for these 12,000 inspections totaled approximately 
$2.2 million. 

Statistical Sample Results Indicate about $13 Million in Improper or 
Potentially Fraudulent Preventative Maintenance Payments: 

Based on our testing of a statistical sample of the remaining $26 
million in preventative maintenance payments, we estimate that FEMA 
made $13 million[Footnote 22] in payments even though the trailer 
barcode listed on the inspection sheet did not match a barcode listed 
in FEMA's tracking system or the required inspection sheet did not 
exist. This amount also includes payments for incomplete inspections, 
i.e., when the inspection sheet did not contain the trailer occupant's 
signature to document that an interior and exterior inspection had been 
performed or the sheet showed no indication that the contractor had 
made three attempts to perform a complete inspection. We analyzed a 
statistical sample of 250 from a population of about 170,000 
inspections submitted by the MD contractors and paid for by FEMA from 
June 2006 through January 2007. Table 3 shows the results of our 
sample.[Footnote 23] 

Table 3: Results of Statistical Sample of Paid Preventative Maintenance 

Total paid inspections selected in sample: Total inspection sheets 
meeting criteria; 
250: 120. 

Total paid inspections selected in sample: Total improper or 
potentially fraudulent inspections; 
250: 130. 

Total paid inspections selected in sample: Travel trailer or mobile 
home not found in FEMA's database; 
250: 20. 

Total paid inspections selected in sample: Inspection sheet did not 
250: 43. 

Total paid inspections selected in sample: Inspection sheet did not 
contain occupant signature or notation that three inspection attempts 
had been made; 
250: 67. 

Source: GAO analysis of FEMA data. 

[End of table] 

Cases Provide Additional Examples of Improper or Potentially Fraudulent 

Even if payments were supported by proper inspection documentation, we 
found indications that the paid-for inspections were not always 
performed. As shown by the following three cases, we confirmed 
allegations that inspectors performed impossibly large numbers of 
inspections in 1 day or otherwise falsified maintenance inspection 
documentation. We have referred all three of these matters to the 
Department of Justice and the DHS IG for further investigation and we 
have notified the Katrina Fraud Task Force about our findings. 

Case 1: We confirmed that inspectors for one contractor billed and were 
paid for excessive numbers of inspections that supposedly took place 
during the course of 1 work day. As previously stated, MD contractors 
are responsible for interior and exterior unit inspections. These 
inspections include checking the plumbing, electrical, and heating and 
cooling systems; panels, siding, windows, screens, and doors; and all 
appliances. According to several contractors we interviewed, the number 
of inspections that an inspector can reasonably complete during the 
course of 1 day is about 25---approximately 1 every 20 minutes during 
an 8-hour work day. This number assumes that the units are in good 
condition, located fairly close together, and that the inspector does 
not have to make any repairs or experience any other delays related to 
occupant issues. However, we identified numerous cases where individual 
inspectors billed for around 50 inspections during the course of 1 day. 
In order to complete 50 inspections during an 8 hour work day, these 
inspectors would have had to perform one inspection every 10 minutes, 
without factoring in driving time, meals, or restroom breaks. In 
another case, an inspector claimed to have conducted 80 inspections in 
1 day, or the equivalent of 1 inspection every 6 minutes. When we 
interviewed the contractor, he acknowledged that that were "many 
problems" with the subcontractor who performed these excessive 
inspections and he also stated that he fired this subcontractor. At the 
time of our interview, this contractor had not returned to FEMA any of 
the payments he received for these inspections. 

Case 2: Another MD contractor's inspectors falsified inspection reports 
by signing for work they had not completed. Three inspectors employed 
by this contractor told our investigators that their supervisor asked 
them to fill out or sign blank inspection forms. According to the 
inspectors, their supervisor told them that the inspections had 
actually been performed, but that the paperwork documenting the 
inspections needed to be redone. However, the inspectors told our 
investigators that they had not performed the work on any of the 
inspections. When we spoke with the attorney representing the 
contractor about these claims, he stated that there were about 30 
trailers that were inspected but no documentation had been filled out 
at the time of the inspection. He then admitted that some inspectors 
had been asked to recreate this documentation. During the course of our 
interview with the attorney, he also claimed that FEMA instructed his 
client to bill for the number of trailers that they had been assigned, 
regardless of whether an inspection had been performed. None of the 
other contractors stated that they billed for units assigned instead of 
work performed. When we asked the contracting officer in charge of the 
Mississippi MDs about this issue, she told us that a contractor must 
perform at least one preventative inspection per month on each trailer 
that it has been assigned in order to submit a valid bill for 
preventative maintenance. 

Case 3: An inspector employed by a different MD contractor told our 
investigators that she left the company after finding several 
maintenance inspections that had her name signed to them by another 
employee. The inspector provided our investigators with three 
inspection sheets that she insisted she did not sign. When our 
investigators confronted the supervisor with these allegations, she 
admitted that she had forged the inspection sheets. 

FEMA Improperly Paid Contractors over $600,000 for After-Hours 
Emergency Repairs: 

Although we initially intended to test the $2.2 million in payments 
FEMA made for after-hours emergency repairs, we could not conduct this 
work because the data we received concerning these calls did not 
contain complete information. However, we were able to determine that 
FEMA spent over $600,000 for emergency repairs even though the invoices 
for these repairs should not have been approved because the housing 
units do not exist in FEMA's databases. 

FEMA's records show that it paid for 12,045 after-hours emergency calls 
on 7,310 housing units from June 2006 to January 2007, for a total of 
$2.2 million in emergency repair payments. As part of our work, we 
attempted to test whether these payments were made for valid 
emergencies. To qualify as an emergency during the period of our 
review, a call had to have been received by FEMA's call center between 
5:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. Monday through Friday or on weekends. [Footnote 
24] In addition, according to the FEMA call center instructions, 
emergency maintenance involves, but is not limited to, requests to 
repair gas leaks, major water leaks, sewage leaks, major electrical 
malfunctions, lack of heat when the outside temperature is under 50 
degrees, or lack or air conditioning when the outside temperature is 
over 85 degrees. The call center was supposed to document relevant 
requests, verify the emergency, and then forward the request to the MD 
contractor responsible for the unit. However, when we reviewed the call 
center data, we found that the records related to emergency calls were 
not complete and therefore we could not determine whether the 
contractors submitted billings for valid emergency calls or whether 
FEMA made payments for calls that met its emergency criteria. 
Specifically, FEMA's database did not identify: 

* the time and date the call was received. Although FEMA's call center 
received 46,000 emergency calls from June 2006 through January 2007, 
over 21,000 of these call records lacked a time designation. Therefore, 
we could not ascertain whether calls should have been billed and paid 
for as emergency repairs. 

* which contractor was assigned the call and which calls resulted in 
billable services. Although FEMA's call center received 46,000 
emergency calls, data we received from the contractors show that they 
only billed FEMA for about 12, 045 emergency repairs. Therefore, 
although we have FEMA's records on calls received and payments made, we 
cannot reconcile this payment information with the contractors' 

Despite these discrepancies, we were able to determine that FEMA spent 
over $600,000 for emergency after-hours repairs on units that cannot be 
found in FEMA's inventory. As previously stated, FEMA paid for 12,045 
after-hours emergency calls on 7,310 housing units from June 2006 
through January 2007. When we compared the unit barcodes associated 
with these 7,310 units with the barcodes listed in FEMA's main database 
for tracking the assignment and location of mobile homes and trailers, 
we were unable to identify records for 1,732 of the 7,310 units. 
Records show that FEMA made 2,780 improper or potentially fraudulent 
emergency repair payments related to these 1,732 trailers. Using the 
contractors pricing information, we calculated that these 2,780 
payments totaled over $600,000. 

Case Studies Illustrate Excessive Costs at Group and Commercial Sites: 

Our four case studies show that FEMA's placement of travel trailers at 
group and commercial sites can lead to excessive costs. FEMA placed the 
temporary housing units on private properties to shelter individuals 
who were rebuilding their homes; at FEMA-constructed group sites at 
leased locations, such as stadium grounds and school fields; and at 
preexisting commercial sites (e.g., trailer parks). With regard to the 
private sites, FEMA only has to pay for installation, maintenance, and 
deactivation; the trailer can be hooked up to the property's existing 
utilities, so no trailer pad is required. With regard to the group 
sites, FEMA understandably has had to pay extra for site construction 
and maintenance, security, leases, and utilities. However, our case 
studies show that these expenses are exacerbated by the fact that FEMA 
did not allocate work at the sites in a cost-effective manner and has 
not reevaluated this allocation since the sites were established. With 
regard to the commercial sites, FEMA has not incurred the same 
operational expenses that it has at the group sites because FEMA did 
not have to pay for pad construction and design and does not have to 
pay the GSM contractors for site maintenance. However, we found that 
FEMA's mismanagement of the commercial site we investigated has lead to 
substantial waste. 

The majority of FEMA housing units in Mississippi are located on 
private properties where individuals are rebuilding their homes. 
According to FEMA, almost 14,000 of the 17,608 units currently in 
Mississippi are located on private sites, while the remainder are 
located at group or commercial sites. We estimate that, on average, 
FEMA will spend approximately $30,000 for the life cycle of a trailer 
placed at one of these private sites. As shown in figure 3, FEMA paid 
about $14,000 to purchase each 280 square foot trailer and $12,000 to 
haul the trailer to the site and install it, and will spend an 
additional $4,000 to maintain a private site trailer through the March 
2009 temporary housing occupancy extension. Our estimate is likely 
understated because we did not have access to the trailer maintenance 
and group site maintenance payments made to the original four 
contractors. We also could not calculate MD phase-in costs, nor could 
we project deactivation expenses because it is not certain which of the 
current MD contractors will be responsible for deactivating the 
trailers in 2009. 

Figure 3: Estimated Costs for a Trailer at a Private Site through March 

This figure is a chart with illustrations showing estimated cost for a 
trailer at a private site through March 2009: 

Trailer purchase: $14,000; 
Maintenance costs: $4,000; 
Haul and install: $12,000. 

[See PDF for image] 

Source: GAO analysis of FEMA data. 

[End of figure] 

In contrast, as shown in table 4 and the subsequent figures, FEMA could 
spend from about $69,000 to $229,000 for trailers at the three group 
sites we investigated, when factoring in all known expenses, including 
costs incurred by the original four contractors for site design and 
construction and unit installation. Part of the reason for these 
extreme expenses is that FEMA failed to efficiently allocate work at 
the sites. For example, FEMA wasted about $800,000 by inefficiently 
allocating trailers and pads and also could not explain why it spent 
over $204,000 per year to lease one group site when most of the other 
parks only cost about $30,000 per year to lease. 

However, because data provided by FEMA contained numerous 
discrepancies, we could not account for all the expenses incurred at 
these sites. In particular, although we were able to determine the 
number of trailer pads at each site, FEMA could not provide us with an 
accurate trailer count. For purposes of our analysis, we assumed that 
the parks were operating with a trailer on each available pad. We also 
did not have accurate information about utility payments FEMA made for 
these specific sites and the trailers. As with the trailers at the 
private sites, our estimate is likely understated because we did not 
have access to the trailer and site maintenance payments made to the 
original four contractors and because we could not calculate MD phase- 
in and deactivation expenses. In addition, we do not know how much it 
will cost to return the group sites to their original condition, as 
required by the terms of the group site leases. 

Table 4: Estimated Trailer Costs at Three Case Study Group Sites in 
Mississippi through March 2009: 

Site: Port of Bienville Industrial Park; 
Number of pads: 8; 
Projected cost per trailer through March 2009: $229,000; 
Case details: Costs almost $72,000 per year per trailer for GSM 
FEMA could have saved over $576,000 by placing trailer pads at a 
different location. 

Site: Sunset Ingalls Park; 
Number of pads: 102; 
Projected cost per trailer through March 2009: $83,000; 
Case details: Classified as a large park even though it is just two 
pads over the medium park limit; 
FEMA could have saved $260,000 by having two fewer pads. 

Site: Ellzey Parcel; 
Number of pads: 170; 
Projected cost per trailer through March 2009: $69,000; 
Case details: FEMA pays $204,000 per year for site lease. 

Source: GAO analysis of FEMA data. 

[End of table] 

Port of Bienville Industrial Park in Hancock County: Figure 4 shows the 
breakdown of expenses per trailer at this park through March 2009. 

Figure 4: Estimated Life-cycle Trailer Costs at Bienville through March 

This figure is a chart with illustrations showing estimated life-cycle 
trailer costs at Bienville through March 2009: 

Trailer purchase: $14,000; 
Group site maintenance: $174,000; 
Trailer maintenance costs: $3,000; 
GSM phase-in: $600; 
Site construction: $25,000; 
Site layout: $750; 
Haul and install: $12,000. 

[See PDF for image] 

Source: GAO analysis of FEMA data. 

[End of figure] 

* Because there are only eight pads at Bienville, FEMA will spend about 
$229,000 for each trailer at the park through the March 2009 occupancy 
extension. Group site maintenance costs are dependent on the size of 
the site--"small" sites contain 50 trailer pads or less. In other 
words, FEMA wastes money by operating sites with very few pads because 
the GSM costs will be the same if a park has 1 trailer pad or 50. In 
this case, FEMA spends over $576,000 per year--$72,000 per trailer--for 
site maintenance. To save on this expense, FEMA could have assigned 
this park to the GSM contractor with the lowest bid price to service a 
small park. This contractor would only have charged FEMA about $76,000 
per year to service Bienville--$9,500 per trailer. When we asked FEMA 
officials about the distribution of work at the sites, they told us 
that they "grasped" what pads they could get in the aftermath of the 
storm. FEMA did not indicate that it has reevaluated the distribution 
of work at the sites since that time. 

Sunset Ingalls Park in Jackson County: Figure 5 shows the breakdown of 
expenses per trailer at this park through March 2009. 

Figure 5: Estimated Life-cycle Trailer Costs at Sunset Ingalls through 
March 2009: 

This figure is a chart with illustrations showing estimated life-cycle 
trailer costs as Sunset Ingalls through March 2009: 

Trailer purchase: $14,000; 
Group site maintenance: $12,000; 
Trailer maintenance costs: $2,000; 
GSM phase-in: $350; 
Site construction: $25,000; 
Site layout: $750; 
Haul and Install: $12,000; 
Lease: $560; 
UFAS: $1,000; 
Security: $15,000. 

[See PDF for image] 

Source: GAO analysis of FEMA data. 

[End of figure] 

* Sunset Ingalls has 102 trailer pads and is therefore classified as a 
large park (101 to 300 pads) for GSM purposes. FEMA pays the GSM 
contractor about $500,000 per year for maintenance at a large park, as 
opposed to $244,000 to service a medium sized park with 100 pads or 
less. Therefore, the additional two pads increase the GSM costs for 
this park by almost $260,000 per year. To save on this yearly cost, 
FEMA could have originally placed these two pads at another site with 
available space---there are five group sites and one commercial site 
located near Sunset Ingalls. When we asked FEMA officials about the 
distribution of work at the sites, they told us that they "grasped" 
what pads they could get in the aftermath of the storm. FEMA did not 
indicate that it has reevaluated the distribution of work at the sites 
since that time. 

Ellzey Parcel in Harrison County: Figure 6 shows the breakdown of 
expenses per trailer at this park through March 2009. 

Figure 6: Estimated Trailer Costs at Ellzey Parcel through March 2009: 

Trailer purchase: $14,000; 
Group site maintenance: $2,300; 
Trailer maintenance costs: $4,500; 
GSM phase-in: $560; 
Site construction: $25,000; 
Site layout: $750; 
Haul and install: $12,000; 
Lease: $3,300; 
UFAS: $1,300; 
Security: $5,300. 

[See PDF for image] 

Source: GAO analysis of FEMA data. 

[End of figure] 

* FEMA pays the landowner $17,000 per month, or $204,000 annually, to 
lease the property for this large group site, which contains 170 
trailer pads. This lease amount is significantly higher than at the 
other 38 group sites, which typically range in cost from $250 to $7,500 
per month.[Footnote 25] We asked FEMA why they were spending so much to 
lease this property in comparison to the other sites, they told us that 
did not evaluate costs associated with group site leasing because the 
General Services Administration (GSA) set up the leases. When we asked 
representatives from GSA about the Ellzey lease, they told us that 
$204,000 per year was a reasonable price because the site was located 
on industrial property, but they could not tell us if a less expensive 
option was considered. 

With regard to the commercial sites, table 5 shows the estimated cost 
per trailer at one commercial park in Mississippi. FEMA could have 
saved $1.5 million at this site if it had exercised an option to 
reassign or contract separately for septic cleaning services. 

Table 5: Estimated Trailer Costs at Commercial Site in Mississippi 
through March 2009: 

Site: McLeod Water Park; 
Number of trailers: 61; 
Projected cost per trailer: $126,000; 
Case details: Contractor made $1.5 million per year profit by 
subcontracting septic services; 
FEMA could have used cheaper sources to complete septic work. 

Source: GAO. 

[End of table] 

McLeod Water Park in Hancock County: Figure 7 shows the breakdown of 
expenses per trailer at this park through March 2009. 

Figure 7: Estimated Life-cycle Trailer Costs at McLeod through March 

This figure is a chart with illustrations showing estimated life-cycle 
trailer costs at McLeod through March 2009: 

Trailer purchase: $14,000; 
Park tent: $15,000; 
Trailer Maintenance: $1,500; 
Septic cleaning: $83,500; 
Haul and install: $12,000. 

[See PDF for image] 

Source: GAO analysis of FEMA data. 

[End of figure] 

* The MD contractor at this park charged FEMA $245 per septic service, 
or more than 500 percent of what FEMA could have paid, to provide 
septic cleanings to the approximately 61 trailers at the park. In 
total, FEMA paid the contractor about $1.8 million for this service 
because the cleanings were provided 3 times per week per trailer over 
the course of a year. However, this contractor made a profit of almost 
$1.5 million on these cleanings because it paid a subcontractor just 
$45 per cleaning to actually perform the work. FEMA could have saved 
this $1.5 million by awarding a separate contract for the septic 
cleaning services with the less expensive subcontractor; the septic 
bladder line item specifies that "FEMA reserves the right to use other 
sources to complete the work." However, FEMA did not exercise this 
option. When we asked the MD contractor about this high profit margin, 
he said that officials from FEMA were aware of the situation but told 
him they "did not care about the profit margin." 

According to an August 2007 report, FEMA's current "exit strategy" for 
residents at the group and commercial sites involves partnering with 
the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to assist in 
locating rental properties for applicants through HUD's National 
Housing Locator System (NHLS). In addition, Congress has provided $400 
million for the Alternative Housing Pilot Program (AHPP) to develop and 
evaluate alternatives to travel trailers and mobile homes.[Footnote 26] 
However, it is still uncertain what will happen to those residents who 
continue to need housing assistance beyond the March 2009 trailer and 
mobile home occupancy extension. 

Evidence of Improper Activity Related to Contract Award Process: 

During the course of our work on the MD and GSM contracts, we found 
that FEMA awarded GSM contracts to two companies that did not appear to 
have submitted independent bids and also made false statements on 
proposals submitted to FEMA. We also found that a FEMA contracting 
officer may have improperly awarded the UFAS contract to make the 
housing units accessible to individuals with disabilities, resulting in 
$3 million in unnecessary expenses. We have referred both of these 
matters to the Department of Justice and the DHS IG for further 
investigation and we have notified the Katrina Fraud Task Force about 
our findings. 

FEMA Awarded GSM Contracts to Companies That May Not Have Bid 

FEMA awarded GSM contracts to two companies that did not appear to have 
submitted independent bids and that also made false statements on 
proposals submitted to FEMA. As previously discussed, FEMA awarded five 
GSM contracts in Mississippi. In reality, FEMA awarded one business two 
contracts: one contract as a "single entity" and one as part of a 
"joint venture" with another firm. Although making this type of award 
is not prohibited, the circumstances surrounding this case merit 
further investigation. Specifically, both the "single entity" and the 
"joint venture" are required to adhere to the Certificate of 
Independent Price Determination, as set forth in the contract 
solicitation. By signing the certificate, each bidder affirms that it 
has arrived at its price independently and has not disclosed its bid to 
competitors.[Footnote 27] Despite the fact that the single entity and 
the joint venture both signed this certification, our evidence shows 
that the companies may not have been truly independent, as might be 
expected given their common employees and business 
relationships.[Footnote 28] We also found that key personnel at both 
companies admitted to misrepresenting their job titles and functions in 
final offers submitted to FEMA, a potential violation of the False 
Statements Act, 18 U.S.C. §1001. Details of the case follow: 

* Both proposals contained identical language. We found that both 
companies hired the same individual to prepare their proposals. This 
individual admitted that he "cut and pasted" language between the two 
submissions and also that he provided the single entity a copy of the 
joint venture's bids prior to the submissions to FEMA. In addition, the 
joint venture's chief operating officer admitted that he discussed the 
joint venture's bids with the president of the single entity prior to 

* The single entity and the joint venture submitted line items bids 
that were frequently identical or within a few hundred dollars. 

* In their initial proposals, the single entity and the joint venture 
provided organizational charts with nearly identical personnel. For 
example, both companies had the same president, executive vice 
president, and accountant. After FEMA received the initial proposals, 
the contracting officer told both companies that he was concerned with 
the overlapping personnel and the similar pricing in the submissions. 
In their best and final offers, the companies submitted new 
organizational charts on which the president and executive vice 
president roles were now filled by different people. However, the 
president of the single entity admitted that she was president of both 
companies, despite being removed from the joint venture's initial 
organizational chart. In addition, the individual listed as "operations 
manager" for the single entity admitted that he does not really act in 
that capacity and then remarked to our investigator that, with regard 
to the new organizational structure, "it's obvious that we just 
reshuffled the deck." 

* The contracting officer stated that the submission of the new 
organizational charts in the best and final offers submitted by the 
companies allayed his concerns about whether the companies were 
operating independently. He also indicated that it is not FEMA's job to 
"police" whether organizational charts are accurate or to investigate 
whether companies adhered to the certificate of independent price 

* In response to our referral, Justice has decided to open an 
investigation of this matter. 

FEMA's Potentially Improper Award of UFAS Contract Results in: 

$3 Million of Unnecessary Expenses: 

We found that one of FEMA's contracting officers may have improperly 
awarded the UFAS contract to lay asphalt to make the travel trailers 
accessible to individuals with disabilities, leading to over $3 million 
in unnecessary expenses. FEMA was required to make the trailers 
accessible as part of a September 2006 settlement agreement stemming 
from a lawsuit brought by disabled trailer occupants. Unlike the MD and 
GSM contracts, the FEMA contract officer set aside this UFAS contract 
for sole-source negotiation with a local 8(a) firm. At the time of the 
UFAS award process, 8(a) contracts could be awarded without competition 
if the anticipated total value of the contract was less than $3 
million.[Footnote 29] According the Federal Acquisition Regulations 
(FAR), an 8(a) contract may not be awarded if the cost to the agency 
exceeds a fair market price. Further, the FAR provides that prior to 
making sole-source 8(a) awards, a contracting officer must estimate and 
justify the fair market value of the contract, using cost analyses or 
other available data. The FAR also states that the appearance of 
conflicts of interest in government-contractor relationships should be 
avoided. Given these criteria, the contracting officer may have 
improperly awarded the contract, costing taxpayers over $3 million in 
unnecessary expenses. 

* The government estimate to complete the UFAS asphalt work for about 
150 trailers was $2.99 million, just under the $3 million threshold for 
awarding 8(a) contracts noncompetitively. In response to our request 
for additional information, FEMA said that it was not able locate any 
documentation to support how this estimate was derived. Therefore, we 
asked GAO engineers with over 30 years experience to estimate the costs 
associated with laying asphalt at the sites. Although they did not 
visit these sites, the engineers used the information available from 
the contractor's price proposals, to estimate that, in the Biloxi, 
Mississippi, region, this work should have only cost about 
$800,000.[Footnote 30] 

* The company's initial bid, submitted on October 4, 2006, was around 
$3.2 million, just over the 8(a) competitive threshold and four times 
the expert estimate of what the work should have cost. FEMA awarded the 
contract the very same day for $2.9 million; it appears that the 
contracting officer deleted 4 of the 33 bid items in order to keep the 
award amount under $3 million. Then, on November 1, 2006, less than a 
month after the award, the contracting officer modified the contract to 
add back one of the dropped line items and to increase the total award 
by almost $750,000, 25 percent of the total value. Two more 
modifications followed, on December 21, 2006, and January 31, 2007. The 
total value of the contract ultimately reached just over $4 million, 
five times the expert estimate to perform the work. Figure 9 shows the 
timeline for the initial award and subsequent modifications. 

Figure 8: Timeline of UFAS Award and Subsequent Modifications: 

This figure is a timeline of UFAS Award and subsequent modifications: 

9/26/06: Legal settlement: FEMA reaches legal settlement with disabled 
trailer occupants to pave areas around 150 trailers; 

10/2/06: Contract solicitation: FEMA solicits bid for non-competitive, 
sole source paving contract and sets government estimate at $2.9 
million, below the 8(a) $3 million threshold on sole source contracts; 

10/4/06: $3.2 million: Bid submitted: Contractor submits $3.2 million 
contracts bid to perform paving services; 

10/4/06: $2.9 million: Bid modified: Contract officer drops 4 items 
from contract so aware amount is 42.9 million, and below 8(a) 

10/4/06: $2.9 million: Contract awarded: 2 days after soliciting bids, 
contract is awarded for $2,9 million; 

11/1/06: $3.6 million: Contract modified: 27 days after contract award, 
contract officer modifies contract to increase total award by $750,000, 
to $3,6 million, above 8(a) threshold; 

12/21/06: $3.8 million: Contract modified: 50 days after previous 
modification, contract is modified again, and total award is increase 
by $111,000 to $3.8 million; 

1/31/07: $4.0 million: Contract modified: Two months later, contract is 
modified again, and total award is increase by $217,000 to $4.0 

[See PDF for image] 

Source: GAO analysis of FEMA data. 

[End of figure] 

* Several sources told our investigators that the UFAS contracting 
officer had a long-term friendship with the subcontractor used by the 
company that received the contract. Our investigators attempted to ask 
the contracting officer about the preparation of the government 
estimate, the award and subsequent contract modifications, and her 
relationship to the subcontractor, but she refused to speak with them. 


Due to the unprecedented nature of the disasters resulting from the 
2005 gulf coast hurricanes, it was understandable that FEMA did not 
immediately have effective systems in place to efficiently allocate 
work or to track the invoices submitted by the contractors for 
maintaining thousands of mobile homes and travel trailers. However, 
over 2 years have passed since the storms and FEMA is still wasting 
tens of millions of taxpayer dollars as a result of poor management and 
ineffective controls. It is critical that FEMA address weaknesses in 
its task order issuance and invoice review processes so that it can 
reduce the risk for wasteful and potentially fraudulent expenses and 
provide assurance that the government is getting what it pays for. 
Finally, while the placement of travel trailers at group and commercial 
sites might be necessary in the immediate aftermath of a disaster, 
going forward, FEMA needs to minimize the expenses associated with this 
type of temporary housing and to develop strategies to transition 
disaster victims into more permanent housing. 

Recommendations for Executive Action: 

We recommend that the Secretary of Homeland Security direct the 
Director of FEMA to take the following six actions. With regard to the 
10 MD and 5 GSM contracts in Mississippi that we investigated for this 
report, FEMA should assess whether the contractors were overpaid and, 
if so, establish procedures to collect overpayments or offset future 

For the current MD and GSM contracts in Mississippi and for any 
temporary housing unit contracts arising from future disasters, FEMA 

* place a greater emphasis on issuing task orders to the companies with 
the capability to perform the most work at the lowest cost. 

* conduct a complete inventory of mobile homes and trailers, create a 
comprehensive database, and establish procedures to link work assigned 
to the contractors with specific unit barcodes to provide reasonable 
assurance that work is being performed on FEMA-owned housing units. 

* design and implement internal control procedures to enforce the 
existing payment and invoice review process to provide reasonable 
assurance that payments are being made for work actually performed. 

To alleviate the excessive costs associated with maintaining travel 
trailers at group and commercial sites, FEMA should reevaluate the 
allocation of trailers and work at the sites to determine whether any 
savings can be achieved and explore creating permanent partnerships 
with other agencies, such as the current partnership with the 
Department of Housing and Urban Development, to determine whether there 
are less expensive housing options that meet the needs of disaster 

As previously indicated, we have referred all the alleged criminal 
matters identified in our report to the Department of Justice and the 
DHS IG for further investigation and we have notified the Katrina Fraud 
Task Force about our findings. For these cases, FEMA should consider 
the suspension or debarment of any contractor found to have committed 
fraud or otherwise violated the law. 

Agency Comments and Our Evaluation: 

FEMA provided written comments on a draft of this report in which it 
concurred with all six of our recommendations and outlined actions it 
has taken that are designed to address each of these recommendations. 
As part of its response, FEMA also provided background of the events 
leading up to the award of the MD and GSM contracts and detailed some 
of the overall improvements the agency stated it has made since 
Hurricane Katrina. These comments are reprinted in appendix III. 

Concerning our recommendation to collect overpayments from the 
contractors, FEMA stated that it intends to assess whether it made 
overpayments and, if so, plans to assert claims against the contractors 
for the appropriate amount. In response to our recommendation to issue 
task orders to companies at the lowest cost, FEMA stated that has 
reallocated work under the GSM contracts on a "low price basis per 
site" and under the MD contracts on a "best value basis." In response 
to our recommendation to inventory mobile homes and trailers, create a 
database, and link work assigned to the contractors with specific unit 
barcodes, FEMA states that it began an invoice-matching project in 
March 2007 and is in the process of completing an inventory count to 
ensure that all the temporary housing units at the sites are recorded 
in the agency's existing management system. Concerning our 
recommendation that FEMA enforce the existing payment and invoice 
review process, FEMA states that it has established an Acquisition 
Program Management Office (PMO) that is in charge of enforcing the 
process. In addition, FEMA notes that the PMO has developed guidance 
and training on what constitutes proper invoice documentation and has 
also obtained the services of a contractor to automate the payment 
process to provide automatic calculation checks and line item tracking. 
FEMA states that it is also implementing a COTR training program and 
initiatives aimed at converting from paper to electronic files, 
developing a COTR program policy, and creating a comprehensive database 
of COTR information. With regard to our recommendation to evaluate the 
allocation of trailers and work at the groups sites in order to achieve 
savings, FEMA states that it is working to close and consolidate the 
sites and that it has reallocated work under both the GSM and MD 

Finally, concerning our recommendation that FEMA create permanent 
partnerships with other agencies to determine whether there are less 
expensive options that meet the needs of disaster victims, FEMA states 
that it has established a task force called the Joint Housing Solutions 
Group to evaluate other methods of housing disaster victims. In 
addition, as indicated in our report, FEMA states that it has 
implemented the Alternative Housing Pilot Program and has also entered 
into an interagency agreement with HUD establishing a temporary housing 
rental assistance and case management program for individuals displaced 
by the hurricanes. According to FEMA, the program will be administered 
though HUD and will include a needs assessment and individual 
development plan for each family. 

We are sending copies of this report to the Secretary of Homeland 
Security and the Director of Federal Emergency Management Agency. We 
will make copies available to others upon request. In addition, the 
report will be available at no charge on the GAO Web site at 

Please contact me at (202) 512-6722 or if you have any 
questions concerning this report. Contact points for our Offices of 
Congressional Relations and Public Affairs may be found on the last 
page of this testimony. Key contributors are listed in appendix IV. 

Signed by: 

Gregory D. Kutz: 

Managing Director: 

Forensic Audits and Special Investigations: 

[End of section] 

Appendix I: Objectives, Scope, and Methodology: 

The objective of our investigation was to determine whether there were 
indications of fraud, waste, and abuse related to Federal Emergency 
Management Agency (FEMA) oversight of the 10 MD and 5 GSM contracts in 
Mississippi. We focused our efforts on investigating (1) FEMA's 
issuance of task orders to the MD contractors and (2) FEMA's invoice 
review process. We also prepared case studies to determine the costs 
associated with the placement of travel trailers at group sites and 
investigated allegations of criminal and improper activity related to 
the contracts. 

To investigate FEMA's issuance of task orders to the MD contractors, we 
assessed whether the agency issued the task orders in a cost-effective 
manner. We analyzed the costs associated with the five most expensive 
contract line items. We analyzed MD contractor invoices and FEMA 
receiving reports from June 2006 through January 2007 to find the total 
number of units paid for by FEMA. For each of the 10 contractors, we 
totaled the number of units paid for by FEMA for the preventative 
maintenance, phase in, deactivation, septic bladder pumping, and 
emergency after-hours repairs contract line items. We then totaled the 
number of units and amount paid to all contractors for all listed 
contract line items. To determine the five least expensive contractors, 
we divided the total number of units for each line item by five, and 
then multiplied that total by each contractor's line item cost. By 
adding up the cost of all line items for each contractor, we were able 
to determine the five least expensive contractors. Using these five 
contractors, we determined what the total cost for each line item would 
have been if FEMA had awarded these five the MD task orders. We then 
compared the new cost to the original FEMA payments to figure potential 
savings for the line items. 

To investigate FEMA's invoice review process, we reviewed invoices and 
backup documentation associated with the $28.5 million in payments FEMA 
made for monthly preventative maintenance and the $2.2 million in 
payments FEMA made for emergency after-hours repairs. With regard to 
monthly preventative maintenance, we initially reviewed approximately 
90 preventative maintenance invoices submitted by the MD contractors 
from June 2006 through January 2007. Each of these invoices contained 
approximately 1,000 to 3,000 monthly inspection billings. As a result 
of this review, we identified billings for 12,000 inspections, totaling 
$2.2 million, that did not contain any documentation to support that an 
inspection had actually occurred. 

To provide an estimate of improper or potentially fraudulent payments 
related to the remaining $26 million in preventative maintenance 
payments FEMA made to the MD contractors, we drew a statistical sample 
of 250 units that were paid for by FEMA as receiving a preventative 
maintenance inspection. We constructed the population of preventative 
maintenance inspections using contractor back-up invoice documentation 
and monthly contract status reports as well as FEMA receiving reports 
confirming FEMA payments for unit maintenance from June 2006 through 
January 2007. We acquired preventative maintenance inspection forms 
from the MD contractors and FEMA. Improper or potentially fraudulent 
payments for unit maintenance include cases where the payment was made 
(1) for preventative maintenance inspections on units not identified in 
FEMA's database, (2) based on preventative maintenance inspection forms 
that did not exist, and (3) based on inspection forms that did not 
contain an occupant's signature denoting a full inspection occurred or 
that three attempts to conduct an inspection were made. To assess the 
reliability of the preventive maintenance inspections documentation 
from June 2006 through January 2007, we (1) reviewed existing 
documentation related to the data sources and (2) examined the data to 
identify obvious problems with completeness, accuracy, or duplicates. 
We determined that the data were sufficiently reliable for the 
statistical sample. Because we followed a probability procedure based 
on random selections, our sample is only one of a large number of 
samples that we might have drawn. Since each sample could have provided 
different estimates, we express our confidence in the precision of our 
particular sample's results as a 95 percent confidence interval (e.g., 
plus or minus 5 percentage points). This is the interval that would 
contain the actual population value for 95 percent of the samples we 
could have drawn. As a result, we are 95 percent confident that each of 
the confidence intervals in this report will include the true values in 
the study population. 

With regard to emergency after-hours calls, we could not test the $2.2 
million in payments FEMA made because the data we received concerning 
these calls did not contain complete information. To determine whether 
FEMA made emergency after-hours repair payments for units that do not 
exist in its inventory records, we compared the barcodes on the 7,310 
housing units that received emergency repairs from June 2006 to January 
2007 with the barcodes listed in FEMA's main database for tracking the 
assignment and location of mobile homes and trailers. We were unable to 
identify records for 1,732 of these 7,310 units. Using FEMA's payment 
records, we then determined that FEMA made 2,780 improper or 
potentially fraudulent emergency repair payments related to these 1,732 

To prepare case studies, we calculated the expenses associated with a 
nonrepresentative selection of three group sites and one commercial 
site in Mississippi. We used cost information issued by FEMA to 
calculate expenses associated with trailer purchase, site design and 
construction, and trailer installation. To identify the specific 
trailer barcodes located at each case study site, we searched several 
databases provided by FEMA, as well as data provided by the contractors 
for park address or occupant name matches. Because FEMA could not 
provide us with a definitive number of trailers at each site, for 
purposes of our analysis, we assumed a best case scenario for FEMA: 
that the parks were operating with a trailer on each available pad. 
Using the list of trailer barcodes we identified, we analyzed the 
invoices submitted by the MDC contractor responsible for each site, and 
the accompanying FEMA receiving reports to determine the number and 
type of services performed on each trailer and paid for by FEMA. The 
charges cover the period of June 2006 through January or February 2007, 
depending upon each contractor's available data. We also added in the 
following costs as provided by FEMA: group site contractor costs for 
each site, including a portion of their phase-in cost, and monthly 
security costs and monthly lease costs, if applicable. The one-time and 
recurring costs were combined for each park, resulting in a total cost 
for each park. To provide a general lifecycle cost for a FEMA trailer, 
we estimated these totals through March 2009, which is the date FEMA 
stated the travel trailer rental assistance program will end. To 
determine the general costs for a FEMA trailer located on a private 
site, we identified trailers noted as "private" in the FEMA databases, 
and selected the first three for each MDC contractor. We then searched 
the contractor invoices, covering the period of June 2006 through 
January 2007 and recorded and totaled the charges for each barcode. The 
resulting totals were projected for 1 year, and used as an estimate of 
the annual costs for maintaining a trailer on a private site. We also 
projected the costs for these trailers through March 2009. 

Our estimates are likely understated because did not have access to 
trailer maintenance and group site maintenance payments made to the 
original four contractors. We also could not calculate MD phase-in 
costs, nor could we calculate deactivation expenses because it is not 
certain which of the current MD contractors will be responsible for 
deactivating the trailers in 2009. In addition, we do not know how much 
it will cost to return the group sites to their original condition, as 
required by the terms of the group site lease. Results from 
nonprobability samples (case studies) cannot be used to make inferences 
about a population, because in a nonprobability sample, some elements 
of the population have no chance or an unknown chance of being selected 
as part of the sample. Our findings cannot be generalized to all sites, 
but when coupled with our other results they do provide useful insight 
into FEMA's expenses. 

Finally, our interviews with FEMA officials, contractor personnel, and 
confidential informants led us to identify improper activity associated 
with the contract award process. To further investigate this activity, 
we reviewed and compared the contract proposals, total bid prices, line 
item bids, and government estimates for work. It is important to note 
that we did not conduct a comprehensive evaluation of whether FEMA 
adhered to its own solicitation requirements and other laws or 
regulations when awarding the 10 MD or 5 group site maintenance 

We conducted our work from October 2006 through July 2007. We conducted 
our investigative work in accordance with the standards prescribed by 
the Presidents Council on Integrity and Efficiency and conducted our 
audit work in accordance with generally accepted government auditing 

[End of section] 

Appendix II: FEMA Preventative Maintenance Inspection Sheet: 


This figure is a FEMA preventative maintenance inspection sheet. 

[See PDF for image] 

Source: FEMA. 

[End of figure] 

[End of section] 

Appendix III Comments from FEMA: 

U.S. Department of Homeland Security: 
Washington, DC 20528: 

November 14, 2007: 

Mr. Gregory D. Kutz: 
Managing Director: 
Forensic Audits and Special Investigations: 
United States Government Accountability Office: 
Washington, DC 20548: 

Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on the Government 
Accountability Office's (GAO's) draft report GAO-08-106 entitled 
Hurricane Katrina: Ineffective FEMA Oversight of Housing Maintenance 
Contracts in Mississippi Resulted in Millions of Dollars of Waste and 
Potential Fraud. The Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA's) 
response is structured with a brief background of the events leading up 
to the Maintenance and Deactivation (MD) and Group Site Maintenance 
(GSM) contracts, improvements FEMA has made since Hurricane Katrina, 
and the Agency's responses to your recommendations. Technical comments 
and clarifications to various sections of the draft report are being 
provided under separate cover. 


In August 2005, Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast and caused 
disastrous and unprecedented damage to much of the area. Over 90,000 
square miles were hit by the storm -- an area the size of Great Britain 
and more than three times the size of the area affected by the Great 
Flood of 1927. More than 204,000 homes were severely damaged or 
destroyed; about seven times as many as in Hurricane Andrew. As a 
consequence, thousands of families were forced to live in congregate 
shelters or hotels and motels because housing units, including single 
family, multi-family, and rental units, along the Gulf Coast were 
virtually destroyed. Housing assistance authorized under the Robert T. 
Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (Stafford Act) 
included financial rental assistance, home repair assistance, home 
replacement assistance, and direct housing assistance, the latter 
usually provided in the form of transportable, manufactured housing. 

Direct temporary housing was only provided as a last resort, when other 
means of providing housing were either unavailable or practically 
unworkable. Developing direct housing options was a significant 
challenge, as much of the local infrastructure was destroyed. The 
building materials required for temporary relief and rebuilding efforts 
had to be transported in from unaffected regions outside the disaster 
area, which caused a significant increase in the cost of these 
resources. Many local contractors suffered damage to their facilities 
and equipment as a result of the storms and flooding and also suffered 
a loss of skilled and experienced workers. As a result, FEMA found it 
necessary to work with larger national contractors who had the 
capability and resources to adequately respond to the enormous task of 
housing an unprecedented number of disaster victims in the shortest 
possible time frame. To assist in these efforts, the Agency 
subsequently awarded four large, non-competitive Individual Assistance- 
Technical Assistance Contracts (IA-TACs) to Bechtel, CH2M Hill, Shaw, 
and Fluor. 

Once recovery efforts had become more stabilized, the Agency had 
intended to replace these large contracts with competitively-awarded 
agreements which utilized small and local businesses. This transition 
would enable FEMA to continue meeting requirements, but in a firm- 
fixed price manner, while stimulating the local economy with increased 
Gulf Coast vendor participation as prime contractors. In April-May of 
2006, after reviewing and evaluating the 258 proposals it received, 
FEMA awarded 37 MD contracts[Footnote 31] in the four Gulf Coast States 
of Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas. Of these 37 contracts, 
ten were awarded to firms in Mississippi[Footnote 32]. In September 
2006, 19 awards were made for GSM requirements to Service- Disabled 
Veteran-Owned Businesses who were residing primarily or doing business 
in Louisiana or Mississippi. Five of these awards were made for 
Mississippi requirements. While the economic situation in the area had 
improved by the time the MD and GSM contracts were issued, economic 
conditions in the area have, nonetheless, continued to impact the cost 
and efficiency of recovery efforts. 

In response to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, FEMA has provided over $7 
billion in financial assistance to over 1 million households through 
its IA programs. This figure includes over $5.3 billion in housing 
assistance and $1.7 billion in other needs assistance. These numbers 
include the following types of assistance: 

* Approximately $2.30 billion of rental assistance, distributed to over 
870,000 households. As of October 2007, 30,733 households continue to 
receive some form of rental assistance payment;

* Over $436 million in home repair payments, helping make more than 
185,000 Katrina- or Rita-damaged homes habitable across the Gulf 

* More than $339 million to over 33,000 households to assist them with 
the purchase of replacement housing. 

While temporary housing units, particularly travel trailers, do not 
offer all the amenities of a fixed housing resource they nevertheless 
allow disaster victims who lack alternative options to remain in their 
communities, close to their jobs, families, and schools, while they 
pursue a permanent housing solution. Since Katrina, FEMA has housed 
more than 120,000 households in travel trailers and mobile homes across 
the Gulf Coast. As of October 12, 2007, the total number of households 
currently living in temporary housing has decreased to 53,140, 
including 38,124 in Louisiana and 15,016 in Mississippi. Private sites, 
where individuals are rebuilding their homes, account for about 78 
percent of the Agency's temporary housing. 

The report notes that FEMA's costs are higher for trailers on group 
sites rather than private sites. Whenever possible, FEMA works to place 
a travel trailer or mobile home on a private site. In order to house 
the high number of pre-disaster renters and others without access to a 
private site, FEMA constructed group sites or leased pads at existing 
commercial sites. It should be noted that in Mississippi, FEMA placed 
over 5,000 renters on private sites, in addition to the more than 7,400 
homeowners that were placed on private sites. 

Since Hurricane Katrina: 

FEMA has learned many lessons from its experiences during Hurricane 
Katrina and has implemented numerous changes in order to improve its 
operations. Furthermore, post-Katrina legislation has enabled the 
Agency to create a vision for a "New FEMA." Some of the improvements 

* Pre-Positioned Contracts - Pre-positioned contracts are negotiated 
and awarded prior to disasters; they ensure reasonably priced and 
competitive agreements. Furthermore, these contracts allow for a more 
responsive industry focus; enabling quick mobilization of resources, as 
well as ensure that regional operators have the right supplies and 
services to respond to disasters. 

* Emergency Acquisition Field Guide - This guide ensures that non-1102 
contracting personnel can effectively and appropriately contract for 
goods and services in an emergency situation. It is specifically 
designed to define the critical elements of an emergency acquisition in 
plain language so that any member of the disaster support team can 
understand and apply proper procedures. The guide includes information 
on purchase cards, program management, and contracting. 

* COTR Training Curriculum - The training program ensures that 
Contracting Officer Technical Representatives (COTRs) have their 
requisite skills and competencies to perform required functions. The 
refresher training includes key acquisition concepts such as Statements 
of Work, Independent Government Cost Estimates, payment provisions, 
etc. This training ensures that COTRs are better equipped to 
effectively manage the Agency's many contracts. 

* Disaster Training Course - This course is designed to ensure response 
contracting professionals are trained on how to award contracts during 
a disaster, to include compliance with recent legislation. The Agency 
has required all acquisition personnel at Headquarters and in the 
regions to take the course; of note is that the Federal Acquisition 
Institute recently adopted the course and offers it throughout the 
Federal government. 

* Contract Administration Plans (CAPs) - CAPs are designed to 
facilitate efficient and effective administration planning and often 
outline required level of surveillance, contract terms and conditions 
for contract administration, performance milestones, and reporting 
requirements. FEMA's CAPs will improve the Agency's post-award 
operations, to include providing a consistent guide on ordering, 
competing, and administering procedures for task orders. They ensure 
competition of individual task orders for the current IA contracts 
while employing effective contract administration procedures. In 
addition, these plans establish an enterprise-wide contract 
administration process for the COTRs in various locations. 

* New Contract Writing System (PRISM) — When implemented, PRISM will 
provide better workload tracking, more consistent and accurate 
reporting, and improved contract writing and overall management of its 
contracts. Furthermore, PRISM is utilized by approximately 60 percent 
of agencies, allowing for FEMA to more effectively use other 
contracting personnel during a major disaster should the need arise. 

* Execution of an Interagency Agreement (IAA) with the Department of 
Housing and Urban Development (HUD) establishing the Disaster Housing 
Assistance Program (DHAP) - This program provides another housing 
alternative for displaced citizens after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. 
DHAP is a temporary housing rental assistance and case management 
program for identified individuals and households displaced by 
Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. It will be administered through HUD's 
existing infrastructure of Public Housing Agencies (PHAs), and 
households receiving assistance under FEMA's Rental Assistance program 
will be transitioned to HUD's DHAP program. 

In addition to the DHAP, FEMA has also implemented many policies 
impacting the housing requirements in the Gulf Coast. A Gulf Coast 
Housing Action Plan was developed which identifies the Agency's 
priorities and initiatives for reducing the number for travel trailers. 
It also addresses the closing of group sites; this plan has resulted in 
the closure of 106 group sites thus far. A priority is placed on 
quickly moving families who are affected or concerned about 
formaldehyde, as well as moving families out of the group sites. 
Another housing initiative is the use of rental resource teams. They 
are identifying available rental units and working with landlords to 
enroll them in FEMA's rental assistance programs. The Agency 
caseworkers are working with each family to help transition them to 
more permanent housing solutions. Housing policies have been 
implemented to assist field caseworkers in transitioning families into 
more permanent housing options with emphasis on moving families into 
rental units. 

The initiatives mentioned above as well as other changes made within 
the Agency have enabled FEMA to become a more responsive and 
coordinated emergency response organization. The improvements made in 
FEMA since Hurricane Katrina are illustrated by the Agency's successes 
in mobilizing and responding to the more recent disasters which have 
occurred. Some of the more notable examples include the following: 

* Hurricane Dean: 

- Evacuation by Motorcoach: 

* FEMA provided on-site presence at the bus contractor's headquarters 
and one-on-one coordination with its Region 6 and Joint Field Office, 
as well as the State of Texas on requirements for potential evacuation. 

* Over 100 motor coaches were released from Federal control to the 
State of Texas for potential evacuation. 

- Within 12 hours of task orders being issued, the following resources 
were mobilized to meet requirements: 

* 275 ambulances in San Antonio from surrounding States for potential 
evacuation of medical patients, 

* 25 aircraft for potential medical air evacuation, and: 

* 51 para-transit vehicles to transport up to 3,000 people. 

- FEMA coordinated with various parties to prepare for a possible air 
evacuation of 25,000 residents from the Rio Grande Valley. 

- A contract was awarded within 12 hours of request for a 2,000-person 
base camp for first responders -- the camp opened within 72 hours of 
contract award. 

* Midwestern disaster response (Greensburg tornado and Missouri 

- FEMA utilized small and local utility companies in order to restore 
basic needs back to the affected communities. 

- Many small and locally-owned businesses and franchises of national 
companies provided a number of goods such as potable water, ice, 
equipment rental, vehicles, box trucks, tents, gasoline and diesel 
fuel, temporary toilets, pest control, copiers and many other goods. 

- Electricians, plumbers, and carpenters based in the local area also 
provided many services to assist in rebuilding efforts. 

* Response to Central Florida tornadoes (February 2007): 

- FEMA was able to use its IA-TAC II contractors to quickly and 
effectively respond to tornadoes in Florida. 

- Under IA-TAC II, task orders issued in response to a disaster under 
these contracts require utilization of local firms to the maximum 
extent practical for additional subcontracting opportunities. 

A large amount of the subcontractor work related to recovery efforts 
following the tornadoes in Florida's Lake, Seminole, Sumter, and 
Volusia counties, was performed by Florida-based personnel and 

Comments and Responses to Recommendations: 

1. Recommendation: FEMA should assess whether contractors were overpaid 
and, if so, establish procedures to collect overpayments or offset 
future payments. 

FEMA agrees with this recommendation and has taken the following 

FEMA will assess whether or not it overpaid. If so, it will assert 
claim against the contractor for the appropriate amount under the 
Contract Disputes Act. 

2. Recommendation: Place a greater emphasis on issuing task orders to 
the companies with the capability to perform the most work at the 
lowest cost. 

FEMA agrees with this recommendation and has taken the following 

FEMA completed a reallocation of work for the GSM requirements by 
competing the task orders in the second year of the contracts. The Task 
Order Proposal Request (TOPR) stipulated that after the first year, 
option periods would be made on a low price basis per site. Each 
contractor was determined to be technically acceptable due to overall 
favorable performance during the base period. The competitive process 
for ordering period I resulted in a total award price for the task 
orders of $2,645,688.24 for grounds maintenance services. Had the 
agency not changed its approach to assigning work, FEMA would have 
spent approximately $12,101,432.64. Therefore, this task order re-
compete and reallocation of work saved approximately 73 percent, a cost 
avoidance of $9,455,744.40. 

FEMA also conducted a re-compete of the second year task orders for the 
MD contracts. The selection of the second year task orders was made on 
a best value basis, which considered technical and management approach, 
past approach, past performance, and price. A similar approach is 
planned for the third year of performance. 

In addition, the Agency has awarded the IA-TAC II, the follow on to IA-
TAC I, utilizing full and open competitive procedures. Contractors are 
issued a request for proposal to compete for individual task orders to 
design, install, maintain, manage and deactivate housing units or group 
housing sites and task orders are awarded with price as a major 
consideration. Consistent with post-Katrina internal procedures, FEMA's 
long-term housing strategy is to issue separate contracts to small and 
local businesses to perform the long term maintenance and deactivation 
requirements. This strategy will ensure that Federal funds are 
assisting with rebuilding the local community. 

3. Recommendation: Conduct a complete inventory of mobile homes and 
travel trailers, create a comprehensive database, and establish 
procedures to link work assigned to the contractors with specific unit 
barcodes to provide reasonable assurance that work is being performed 
on FEMA- owned housing units. 

FEMA agrees with this recommendation and has taken the following 

FEMA will explore ways to implement this recommendation, including 
modifications to its direct housing database used in the field. FEMA 
began an invoice-matching project in March 2007 which has yielded 
positive results. Approximately $75,000 in duplicate payments have been 
identified and reported to the Disaster Finance Center. The Agency is 
now matching existing database records with invoices to look for gaps 
in the data. Furthermore, FEMA sites are now completing an inventory 
count to ensure that all the temporary housing units at the sites are 
recorded in the Agency's existing Logistics Information Management 
System (LIMS). 

4. Recommendation: Design and implement internal control procedures to 
enforce the existing payment and invoice review process to provide 
reasonable assurance that payments are being made for work actually 

FEMA agrees with this recommendation and has taken the following 

FEMA has implemented internal control procedures to enforce the 
existing invoice payment and review process. FEMA established an 
Acquisition Program Management Office (PMO) in the GCRO that is charged 
with enforcing the standardized invoice payment process across all of 
the Total Recovery Offices (TROs), including the Mississippi TRO. In 
order to enforce stronger internal controls, the PMO designed and 
conducted multiple training events across the Gulf Region outlining and 
providing guidance on "What is a proper invoice?"; "What constitutes 
proper documentation for receipt of goods and services?"; "How should 
invoices be reviewed and how can work be confirmed?"; and "What 
justifications for partial payments are required?" In support of the 
training effort, Standard Receiving Documents and Justification Forms 
have been designed and are required for invoices that are to be 

Additionally, the Office of Acquisition Management (OAM) has obtained 
the services of a contractor to review, assess, improve and automate 
the invoice approval and payment process. This review and changes will 
result in automation of much that currently is a "paper pushing" 
process open to human error. Automation will provide, among other 
things, automatic calculation checks and proper line item tracking. It 
will produce auditable tracking of each invoice. 

The Acquisition Program & Planning Branch (AP&P) of OAM has also 
developed a COTR Training Program designed to refresh COTRs on topics 
such as Statements of Work, Independent Government Cost Estimates, 
payment provisions, etc. The following additional initiatives will also 
improve management of the COTR program: 

* Creating an efficient COTR certification process by converting from 
paper to electronic files;

* Developing COTR Program Policy; 

* Creating a comprehensive database of COTR information; 

* Designing a COTR Community Site/Knowledge Management Portal; 

* Benchmarking FEMA's program against the Transportation Security 
Administration COTR Program. 

5. Recommendation: Evaluate the allocation of trailers and work at the 
sites to determine whether any savings can be achieved. 

FEMA agrees with this recommendation and has taken the following 
actions: Regarding the allocation of trailers: 

When a disaster occurs, FEMA works to house as many applicants as 
quickly and efficiently as possible. The Agency works with local and 
State governments to locate property within the affected areas for 
Temporary Housing Units to be placed. Due to the fact that there was 
not enough housing stock available in the areas impacted by Hurricane 
Katrina, FEMA worked to place applicants close to their damaged 
dwellings in their communities. Most applicants do not want to move 
away from their community. As some of the disaster victims are renters, 
the Agency does set up group sites and utilizes existing commercial 
sites in order to house them in their pre-disaster community. However, 
80 percent of the temporary housing units are currently placed on 
private sites, so the applicant is able to repair their damaged 
dwelling more effectively. 

As applicants are moving back to their repaired homes or moving to 
rental resources, FEMA is working to consolidate and close group sites. 
FEMA also works with city and county officials to determine the closure 
dates for these sites in order to move the applicants into more stable 

Regarding the allocation of work: 

FEMA completed a reallocation of work for the GSM requirements by 
competing the task orders in the second year of the contracts. The TOPR 
stipulated that after the first year, option periods would be made on a 
low price basis per site. Each contractor was determined to be 
technically acceptable due to overall favorable performance during the 
base period. Had the agency not changed its approach to assigning work, 
FEMA would have spent approximately $12,101,432.64. The competitive 
process for ordering period I resulted in a total award price for the 
task orders of $2,645,688.24 for grounds maintenance services. This 
process saved approximately 73 percent, a cost avoidance of 

FEMA also conducted a re-compete of the second year task orders for the 
MD contracts. The selection of the second year task orders was made on 
a best value basis, which considered technical and management approach, 
past approach, past performance, and price. A similar approach is 
planned for the third year of performance. 

6. Recommendation: Explore creating permanent partnerships with other 
agencies to determine whether there are less expensive housing options 
that meet the needs of disaster victims. 

FEMA agrees with this recommendation and has taken the following 

FEMA has partnered with HUD to transition FEMA's rental assistance 
caseload to HUD's DHAP. On July 26, 2007, FEMA and HUD executed an 
Interagency Agreement (IAA) establishing the DHAP, a temporary housing 
rental assistance and case management program for identified 
individuals and households displaced by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. 
The program will be administered through HUD's existing infrastructure 
of PHAs. Under the IAA, HUD will act as the servicing agency of the 
DHAP. The designated PHAs will also provide case management services, 
which will include a needs assessment and individual development plan 
(IDP) for each family. The objective of HUD case management services is 
to promote self- sufficiency for the participating family. 

FEMA is also implementing the Alternative Housing Pilot Program in four 
Gulf States (Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas) to explore 
alternative forms of disaster housing. FEMA has established an IAA with 
HUD for this program, as well. HUD will manage the evaluation of the 
pilot projects. FEMA looks forward to learning from these pilot 

In Mississippi, the TRO is working with State, local and voluntary 
Agencies to provide applicants in Temporary Housing Units workshops 
that bring all resources together and allow the applicants to access 
the communities' housing, employment and support services. 

FEMA also has established a task force, the Joint Housing Solutions 
Group, which is evaluating other alternate housing methods for disaster 
victims. This group researches other housing alternatives and documents 
the benefits and drawbacks for each alternative. The research includes 
locating formaldehyde-free units as well as cost effective mechanisms 
and the feasibility of each unit in the different climates of the 
United States. 

Thank you again for the opportunity to comment on this draft report and 
we look forward to working with you on future homeland security issues. 


Signed  by: 

Steven J. Pecinovsky: 


Departmental Audit Liaison Office: 

[End of section] 

Appendix IV: GAO Contact and Staff Acknowledgments: 

GAO Contact: 

Gregory D. Kutz, (202) 512-6722 or 

Staff Acknowledgments: 

In addition to the individual named above, the following made key 
contributions to this report: Gary Bianchi, Bruce Causseaux, Jennifer 
Costello, Randy Cole, George Depaoli, Terrell Dorn, Craig Fischer, 
Janice Friedeborn, Matthew Harris, Adam Hatton, Brad James, Jason 
Kelly, John Kelly, Barbara Lewis, James Madar, Megan Maisel, Lisa 
Mirel, John Ryan, Barry Shillito, Nathaniel Taylor, and Quan Thai. 

[End of section] 


[1] See Mississippi Home Corporation, Estimate of Homes Destroyed or 
Damaged by Hurricane Katrina in Mississippi (Oct. 7, 2005) and 
Mississippi Center for Justice, Mississippi Center for Justice Rental 
Unit Survey of the Mississippi Gulf Coast (2006). 

[2] According to FEMA, a travel trailer is a recreational vehicle that 
is designed for short, temporary habitation, not housing. In contrast, 
a mobile (or manufactured) home is a structure, transportable in one or 
more sections, which is built on a permanent chassis and is designed 
for use with or without a permanent foundation when attached to the 
required utilities. The term manufactured home does not include a 
recreational vehicle. Generally, manufactured homes must meet the same 
requirements as stick built or conventional housing. 

[3] Beginning in March 2008, individuals residing in these units will 
pay a portion of the cost for rent, which will begin at $50 per month 
and incrementally increase each month thereafter until the program 
concludes on March 1, 2009. FEMA also began allowing residents of its 
mobile homes and travel trailers to purchase their dwellings at a fair 
and equitable price; however, on August 1, 2007, FEMA temporarily 
suspended sales while the agency works with health and environmental 
experts to assess health-related concerns raised by occupants. 

[4] The estimated $30 million in wasteful and improper or potentially 
fraudulent payments is the sum of the $16 million FEMA wasted by not 
allocating task orders to the MD contractors with the lowest estimated 
costs and an additional $16 million in improper or potentially 
fraudulent payments made to the contractors for work for which that 
have no evidence that they performed. If FEMA had allocated the work to 
the MD contractors based on cost, the magnitude of improper and 
potentially fraudulent payments likely would have been reduced. 

[5] For purposes of our analysis, "monthly preventative maintenance" 
includes two line items: mobile home preventative maintenance and 
travel trailer preventative maintenance. 

[6] This $15 million includes payments identified through a review of 
contractor billing records and through estimates calculated from a 
statistical sample. From June 2006 through January 2007, FEMA made 
about $28.5 million in preventative maintenance payments for over 
180,000 inspections. Our initial review of contractor billing records 
related to 12,000 of these inspections confirmed that FEMA made about 
$2.2 million in payments even though there was no documentation to 
support that the required monthly inspection had occurred. Based on 
this finding, we also selected a random sample from the remaining 
170,000 inspections, totaling about $26 million in preventative 
maintenance payments, to determine the magnitude of potentially 
fraudulent and improper payments. Based on these calculations, we 
estimate that FEMA made an additional $13 million in payments for 
preventative maintenance based on invoices that should not have been 
approved. For this $13 million, we are 95 percent confident that the 
actual dollar amount is between $11 and $15 million. By adding the $2.2 
million that we calculated from reviewing contractor invoices to the 
estimated $13 million derived from the statistical sample, we estimate 
that FEMA made $15 million in payments for preventative maintenance 
based on potentially fraudulent invoices. 

[7] Group site maintenance costs are dependent on the size of the site-
-small sites contain 50 trailer pads or less, medium sites have 51 to 
100, and large sites have 101 to 300. 

[8] A firm owned and operated by socially and economically 
disadvantaged individuals and eligible to receive federal contracts 
under the Small Business Administration's 8(a) Business Development 
Program. An 8(a) firm must be a small business unconditionally owned 
and controlled by one or more socially and economically disadvantaged 
individuals who are of good character and citizens of the United 
States, and must demonstrate potential for success. 

[9] Shortly around the time of the contract award, this threshold was 
raised to $3.5 million. FAR 19.805-1(2). 

[10] The GAO engineers did not visit the sites where the work was 
performed. However, they provided an order of magnitude estimate based 
on RS Means--a widely used guide for estimating construction costs--and 
the limited scope of work that was available from the contractor's 
proposals. This order of magnitude estimate showed there was a 
significant difference (approximately 400 percent) between what the 
work should have cost and the contractor's proposed price of $3.2 

[11] 42 U.S.C. § 5174(c)(1)(B). For more information on the types of 
housing assistance awarded to disaster victims, see GAO, Disaster 
Assistance: Better Planning Needed for Housing Victims of Catastrophic 
Disasters, GAO-07-88 (Washington: D.C.: Feb. 28, 2007). 

[12] Department of Homeland Security Inspector General, Management 
Advisory Report on the Major Technical Assistance Contracts (Nov. 2005) 
(OIG-06-02) and Defense Contract Audit Agency, Application of Agreed- 
Upon Procedures to Evaluate Bechtel National, Inc.'s Proposal for 
Contract No. HSFEHQ-05-D-0572, Task Order HSFEHQ-05-J-004, Revision 2, 
Site Maintenance and Food Services (Rept. No. 4281-2006D28000002) (Nov. 
10, 2005). 

[13] FAR 16.505. The FAR also lists exceptions to this fair opportunity 
process, including, among others, that need for supplies and services 
is so urgent that providing a fair opportunity would result in 
unacceptable delays and that only one awardee is capable of providing 
the supplies or services required at the level of quality required. 

[14] In a report issued in March 2007, the DHS IG criticized FEMA's 
acceptance of a wide disparity in bids, noting that "FEMA contracting 
officials exposed the agency to an unacceptable level of risk." FEMA 
disagreed, stating that it believed that the "level of risk was 
necessary and acceptable." 

[15] For purposes of our analysis, "monthly preventative maintenance" 
includes two line items: mobile home preventative maintenance and 
travel trailer preventative maintenance. 

[16] FAR 16.505. The FAR also lists exceptions to this fair opportunity 
process, including, among others, that need for supplies and services 
is so urgent that providing a fair opportunity would result in 
unacceptable delays and that only one awardee is capable of providing 
the supplies or services required at the level of quality required. 

[17] Specifically, we asked FEMA to provide documentation to support 
the decision to issue task orders to all 10, including cost analyses, 
assessment of contractor ability to perform, and logistical and 
location considerations. 

[18] We are 95 percent confident that the actual dollar amount is 
between $11 and $15 million. 

[19] We are 95 percent confident that the actual dollar amount is 
between $11 and $15 million. 

[20] Most of the housing units in FEMA's inventory were not designed or 
constructed to be used continuously, as they have been for the past 2 
years. As such, we support FEMA's decision to require these monthly 
interior and exterior inspections to ensure that the trailers are safe 
and habitable. However, when inspections are not performed or conducted 
only on the exterior of the unit, the risk for health and safety 
problems could increase. 

[21] In contrast, we also found some instances where the COTRs approved 
payments for duplicate invoices and for work done on deactivated 
trailers, although we did not conduct any further investigations as to 
the magnitude of such payments. 

[22] We are 95 percent confident that the actual dollar amount is 
between $11 and $15 million. 

[23] Consistent with the findings issued in our December 2006 
testimony, we also discovered that FEMA potentially made improper 
rental assistance payments to some of the residents of the trailers 
that were part of our statistical sample. Specifically, the Stafford 
Act prohibits FEMA from providing rental assistance payments under IHP 
if temporary housing has been provided by any other source. However, we 
found that FEMA approved payments for rental assistance to 31 
households after they had already moved into the trailers. We found an 
additional 11 households who did not return excess rental assistance to 
FEMA before moving into a trailer. The improper payments associated 
with these 42 occupants totals $54,608. See GAO, Hurricanes Katrina and 
Rita Disaster Relief: Continued Findings of Fraud, Waste, and Abuse, 
GAO-07-252T (Washington, D.C.: Dec. 6, 2007). 

[24] FEMA subsequently eliminated this time requirement. 

[25] Only one other site has a lease costing over $7,500 per month. 

[26] FEMA states that it awarded $275 million to Mississippi for 
alternative housing---the Park Model and Mississippi Cottage project. 
According to FEMA, Mississippi has started installing these units and 
moving families into the new housing alternatives. 

[27] Specifically, the certificate requires each bidder to affirm that 
"it has arrived at its price independently, has not disclosed its price 
to other competitors before bid opening, and has not attempted to 
induce another concern either to submit or not submit a bid for the 
purpose of restricting competition." 

[28] The determination regarding whether the businesses submitted their 
offers for purposes of restricting competition is a matter within the 
purview of the Department of Justice, Antitrust Division. 

[29] Shortly around the time of the contract award, this threshold was 
raised to $3.5 million. FAR 19.805-1(a)(2). 

[30] The GAO engineers provided an order of magnitude estimate based on 
RS Means--a widely used guide for estimating construction costs--and 
the limited scope of work that was available from the contractor's 
proposals. This order of magnitude estimate showed there was a 
significant difference (approximately 400 percent) between our estimate 
of what the work should have cost and the contractor's proposed price 
of $3.2 million. 

[31] One of the MD contracts was later terminated after award because 
the contractor was determined to be other than a small business. 

[32] There were two solicitations conducted in Mississippi for MD 
requirements-one for Small Businesses and the other for 8(a) firms. 

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